Brilliant response to help out our girl Berny Adarsh - TopicsExpress


Brilliant response to help out our girl Berny Adarsh Parthasarathy • 5 hours ago It just shows your hypocrisy that you call us all racists when you yourself are a racist. You made two generalizations on your last article with your pathetic attempts to defend your writing. 1) You assumed that everyone arguing against you was a white-supremacist just because we did not agree with your points that Disney should fill a diversity quota. You called pretty much everyone in the comments a Neo-Nazi and a white-power Republican Slaveholder. You made a generalization about a persons family, as to that his family has Native American genes only because they raped Native American women. You insulted someones heritage because he was arguing against your point. How pathetic is that?! You attacked people that were not using correct punctuation or grammar and called them rednecks and uneducated people. 2) You thought I was white. Woman, I have as much reason to hate white people as anyone. My ancestors were raped and murdered during the British colonization of India. Billions died due to disease in the sub-continent. But do I hate whites? NO! Do I care that Indians dont get represented AT ALL in Star Wars? NO! Star Wars has been a good saga of movies whether or not it has filled a diversity quota. Furthermore, you completely miss the point that people like me are trying to make. We are saying that it is great if Disney can have a diverse cast as everyone wants and still make a good movie, but unfortunately for people like you, a company cannot be expected to spend extra time to fill a diversity quota because people like you complain about the movie not having enough actors and actresses of mixed race. You complain that Latinos are under-represented in one series of three movies, Star Wars, and about movies released 30 and 40 years ago, while there are races who have had many on top of many millions murdered and do not complain about that. Them talking about it is fine, because they have suffered so much, whole families have been wiped out, and their ancestors treated in the worst ways imaginable. Yet here you are, whining that Latinos are not getting representation in one freaking series of movies!!! Most of your argument is based off of movies that were made 30 years and 40 years ago, when Latino actors and actresses were not as prevalent in Hollywood, if they were prevalent at all at the time! Do you know how much support this government is giving Latinos? Obama has created a multi-million dollar plan to help men of colour get a good education so they can have equal opportunities. The same goes for women, where there are non-profits all over the country to help Latino and African American women achieve their dreams. But it is not good enough for you, is it? You need everything to happen in a heartbeat. The Japanese were forced into camps during WWII while their homes were sold and destroyed by the citizens of this country. Do you see them complaining? They live in they very country that did this to them, and you see none of them writing articles about how they are not represented in movies! And for crying out loud, it is a movie! A FREAKING MOVIE!!! Are you seriously about to tell your readership that you are going to complain that Latinos are treated unfairly in Star Wars because there are only a few Latino actors and no Latino actresses in Star Wars when there are scores of ethnicity who have faced fates thousands of times worse? That is the point we are trying to make to you, that your previous article is idiotic in pretty much every sense BECAUSE OF THE ABOVE REASONS AND THOSE REASONS ALONE. The second you said that the people arguing these points are all Neo-Nazi white-power Republican Slaveholders who Raped and Murdered Native Americans 300 years ago, you lost the battle. You lost the second you said that because you, yourself, were racist in those comments. You refer to a very small group of people when making such a generalization, and only because we disagree with your point. It is because of people like you that this world is racist. By saying to bring diversity in, by forcing it into the system rather than letting it evolve in over time, you are persecuting the people who are not considered diverse races. By saying, bring in Latinos and bring in Chinese and Bring in Native Americans in Star Wars, what are you doing? You are saying bring in less American and European and how many other ethnicity acted in Star Wars. You insult an INCOMPLETE cast list for not being diverse enough and expect a director with an already completed script to change it to allow room for more diversity. That is wrong. You cannot force something like this into the system. You cannot say, alright people, we need to get more Latinos and Native Americans into Star Wars, so lets let go of all of those African American and white cast members to make room. That is racist as well. And just to make sure that you and others do not misunderstand me, Lupita Nyongo is a brilliant actress. She deserves this part as Obi-Wans daughter if that is what they decide to cast her as in the end. She is talented and wonderful and really knows how to bring emotion into the movie as proven in the movie 12 Years a Slave. If diversity comes along with good acting and a quality end product, that will be amazing and everybody will love it. If, however, the movie quality is sacrificed because they need to search for minority actors and actresses who may not be as qualified for a part as another person of a more prevalent race, then no one will care about the movie. If you made the argument that Star Wars should be more diverse and ended it there, that is fine. It should, and it can, but I will not hate Disney if it is not but the product is a quality production. You, instead went on to talk about this smashing white peoples pre-civil war era thinking, something that is not even true for most white people of a cultured society. You really think that it is so bad that Latinos are under-represented in Star Wars? You know how well represented they are in the radio business and the rest of the movie business? How about the television business? How about the theatre? Do you want Latinos to have a large representation in every possible thing? You author your article as if Latinos are neglected in every way possible in every place possible. Then, let me ask you this, why is it that the government nationalizes thousands of Latinos who immigrated illegally? Latinos are not disregarded nor are they treated as underlings as African Americans or Jews or Indians or Native Americans were. They are respected and given more opportunity than any other race in this country so far, besides whites. You are wrong. Absolutely wrong. I hope you read this and understand that.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:38:43 +0000

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