Bring back the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Bring back the - TopicsExpress


Bring back the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Bring back the CCC, it would solve a lot of problems this country faces right now. In the 30s, young men were taken and put in camps where they did public works projects like building parks etc. They were paid a small sum for their labor, the majority of which was sent home to help families struggling through the depression. It solved problems then, it could solve problems now! Unemployment is extremely high for returning veterans. Put the vets in charge of the camps (veteran employment goes up). Unemployment is bad for teens. (Teen employment goes up) Make it mandatory/compulsory. Everybody does it for at least four weeks in the summer (few exceptions), multiple years through high school maybe even college. First week or two , military style basic training, after that out on the various works projects. Teach useful skills & trades. PT every morning. (Helps solve that fitness/obesity problem our kids seem to be having). Now, theres some that will say oh you cant do that, what about the kids in wheelchairs etc... well, they can be provide jobs that accommodate their limitations. There are lots of organizations that could use the help. There are soup kitchens, there are daycare facilities, hospitals, nursing homes, parks, the list goes on. This would help instill as sense of community service and discipline that is sorely missing in our youth today. Oh yeah, no cell phones, no computers, back to basics.. you get that stuff on Sundays IF you near the privilege. I think we could make some major steps in solving some big problems...
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 03:34:57 +0000

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