Bring-it my precious Brother in Christ.. People do not realize - TopicsExpress


Bring-it my precious Brother in Christ.. People do not realize what a man of GOD Brother Martin was ? He stood when things were really bad and his voice was a voice of light in the midst of darkness.. His boldness in Christ cost him his life as the hatred of racism that filled the hearts of some whites and who knows who-ever else.. But they thought it would silence the voice of reason but the seeds of the Word of GOD`S LOVE had already taken hold and the Man of GOD had done his purpose for the Glory of GOD.. And now Brother you are here, you and many others of my chocolate flavored Brothers and Sisters in Christ and you have the banner that Brother Martin carried and now you need to wave-it-high and let the others know that the hatred of racism can only stay alive if they back it.. This administration has used division to bring into it`s self power by breaking our unity.. May the Grace of GOD strengthen us all in Christ for HIS GLORY and POWER.. There is a song " Bind us together Lord, bind us together Lord with cords that cannot be broken.. Bind us together Lord, bind us together Lord, bind us together in LOVE ".. Is there anything that is as special as the LOVE of GOD ? " No, not in our lifetime or any other "..
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:57:16 +0000

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