Bring smile on Thalassemia patients faces, Support Meena Welfare - TopicsExpress


Bring smile on Thalassemia patients faces, Support Meena Welfare Association. Meena Welfare Association: A non-profit organization providing qualitative health care services for children with Thalassemia in Afghnistan. Background: Every year over half a million children develop cancer, leukemia or are born with life-threatening hereditary blood disorders such as thalassemia or sickle cell disease globally. As a group, they represent the most common Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) in many emerging countries where they often account for the second cause of childhood death after accidents; most are curable but only a minority of children has access to appropriate care because of lack of trained personnel and/or financial resources. Introduction: Meena Welfare Association (MWA) is non- profit organization established by the effort of Thalassemia patients families in 2012 with the goal to help the Thalassemia patients and families. MWA is registered with the Afghan government It aims to involve Afghan youth in social works in order to enhance their contribution to society and to play positive role in all sectors such as awareness about nature of Thalassemia, its course, its complication, how to avoid it by doing prelimenary tests specially before marriage, awareness about blood donation, and how to treat Thalassemic patients properlly. Vision: Expand long-term access to appropriate care for as many children as possible with Thalassemia and promote prevention and family support as well as Thalassemia services empowerment in Afghanistan. Achievements: • MWA support Thalassemia patients in every province of Afghanistan by providing blood donors. • MWA is first organization registered with MoPH which is working for Thalassemia in Afghanistan. • By request MWA, MoPH work on Policy for Thalassemia centers in Afghanistan. • MWA was part of team which work on Thalassemia centers Policy in Afghanistan. • Established a Center for Thalassemia which is first clinic where patients getting quality blood for transfusion and also will have free medicine for iron therapy. Plan: • Providing awareness about blood donation among the youth. . Providing free Iron chelation medicine for Thalassemia patients • Providing awareness about Thalassemia and its prevention to youth. • Doing thalassemia status in schools and universities to support youth to have future family without thalassemia. • Cure of Thalassemia patients which is possible now with help of Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT), MWA will have to open BMT unite for Thalassemia patient cure in Afghanistan near in future C2C and other international Thalassemia societies. Contribution goes to: 1. Providing red blood cell for 150 Patients, Thalassemia patients just need Red Blood Cells ( RBC). 2. Providing iron chelation for 150 Patients, if Thalassemia patients will get regular Iron chelation medicine so they can live normal life, we can see examples of it in other countries Thalassemia patients. 3. Blood transfusion and other health services. 4. Heating/ Cooling system for patients. 5. Providing awareness and prevention about Thalassemia. 6. Education materials about thalassemia awareness and its cure (Pashto and Dari). 7. Blood safety, and blood donation camps. 8. Thalassemia screening in schools and universities. Process of contribution collection: We will send an email of notification at the end of every month in which we will provide complete report of donation amount and services which is providing for Thalassemia patients with help of our membership contribution. And you will do your charity for next month at the start of every month to help us for providing health services for next month. Please contact: +93 789 413 406 or +93 793 570 515 email: mwa_afghanistan@hotmail. Or fill Online membership form to support MWA.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:42:59 +0000

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