Britains new envoy to Tehran has visited Iran. Mr Ajay Sharma - TopicsExpress


Britains new envoy to Tehran has visited Iran. Mr Ajay Sharma became the first British diplomat to travel to the country since ties were severed in 2011. Mr Sharma is making his first trip in his new role as non-resident charge daffaires. He held whats been described as detailed and constructive talks with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Habibollah-Zadeh and other officials. Mr Sharma said he also visited the British embassy compounds to assess the damage caused in November 2011 when they were stormed by hundreds of Islamist students, prompting Britain to shut the embassy and sever diplomatic ties. The students were protesting against Western sanctions over Irans disputed nuclear programme. They ransacked the building as well as the British ambassadors residence in north Tehran. The two countries each named a non-resident charge daffaires -- a diplomatic post that is one level below ambassador -- last month. 938live/ks
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 21:34:07 +0000

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