British Education System: The New Start of the Islamisation - TopicsExpress


British Education System: The New Start of the Islamisation Process........ Posted on November 2, 2013 By Paul Wilkinson: In 2007 the ‘Muslim Council of Britain’ (MCB) was empowered to produce a glossy 72-page brochure entitled ‘Towards Greater Understanding; Meeting the needs of Muslim pupils in state schools’. However this ‘guidance’ was really a set of demands to accommodate Islam within the state education system. Through political correctness, Islam has unfortunately been successful in elbowing its way into British society. The entitlement has grown and is highlighted in this uninspiring MCB statement: “Islam and Muslims are part of the mosaic that comprises modern Britain, 50% of the Muslim population being British born… The faith commitments encompass all aspects of everyday life and conduct, including daily life in school. It is important therefore, that educators and schools have good understanding of how they can respond positively to meeting the needs of Muslim pupils.” The table has been fully turned by the stealth jihadists of the MCB because Islam does not affect non-Muslims’ lives in any way, shape or form, unless of course we pander to it. The MCB’s objective is a deliberate attempt at undermining our secular society based on Judeo-Christian values by differentiating Islam and calling for special status on an exponential scale. Throwaway statements such as “Islam holds knowledge and learning as sacred and, therefore, central to the development of any civilisation”, are aplenty and just do not mesh with reality. In the Muslim world there has been a total lack of progression, scientific discoveries and almost continuous violence and war since the illiterate, caravan robbing Prophet Muhammad was told to read by Angel Gabriel in mountain cave near Mecca! The MCB predictably makes a case for Islam’s ‘Golden Era’, where mostly existing concepts and ideas from Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian and Chinese civilisations were used. Above and beyond this, Islam’s main ‘contributions’ to the world have seen an almost relentless 1,400 years of invading Africa, Europe, Persia and Asia, spreading Islam by the sword, enslavement and destroying civilisations and cultures. Approximately 270 million people were killed in the process. Now Qur’an inspired Islamic terrorism is a continual threat towards global peace. news_alert_photo-300x225Even if the Islamic Golden Era were to be true, where has it all gone wrong? What has Islam achieved since the Dark Ages? Why has it not progressed? The answer is simple:Islam cannot progress due to the oppression of science that will factually refute the teachings of Muhammad and the Qur’an. As Richard Dawkins highlighted: “All of the world’s Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge.” Or a quick look at previous Nobel Peace Prize winners will reveal very few Muslim recipients compared to Jewish awardees, despite Jews constituting approximately 0.23% of the world population with a 22% share of Nobel Prizes! Even Muslim medical students have boycotted lectures on evolution because it ‘clashes with the Qur’an’. It is frightening that approximately 22% of the world’s population contribute so little, with Muslim countries generating
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:50:14 +0000

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