British Prime Minister David Cameron has asked and received - TopicsExpress


British Prime Minister David Cameron has asked and received approval from the British Parliament for Great Britain’s entrance and participation in the war against ISLAMIC EXTREMIST worldwide. A British citizen was recently beheaded by ISIS, and very probably the executioner was a radicalized citizen of England. Cameron minces no words in calling ISIS an ISLAMIC EXTREMIST group. In addition, nine British citizens have been arrested for promoting ISLAMIC EXTREMISM, and recruiting others to join in the jihad. In America, every effort is being made by our president and media to avoid calling ISIS an Islamic group. Also, the president repeats over and over again that we (America) are not at war with Islam. While the heads of children are being severed by ISIS, our military is being ordered to conduct minor air strikes against this group in Syria and Iraq by our Commander-in-Chief. There is no strategy to destroy ISIS, and the minor actions being taken can easily be interpreted as being purely political, not for the defense of America or the advancement of liberty anywhere in the world. Here is the truth of the matter: 1. Although America is not at war with Islam, the Christian Church, worldwide, is at war with the worldwide Islamic terrorist movement. However, this is spiritual warfare, not a military campaign. 2. The Islamic Terrorists use the sword and knives for beheading; Christians use the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Bible, for renewing the mind. BULLETIN: MUSLIM BEHEADS WOMAN IN OKLAHOMA WHILE SHOUTING ISLAMIC PHRASES. 3. Islamic Terrorist promotes hate and violence; Christians promote love, and peace. 4. Islamic Terrorist act in the name of their god and his prophet, Mohammad; Christians live and fight in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s Redeemer Son. 5. Islamic Terrorists have been brainwashed by the Koran; Christians have been educated in the Bible. 6. Moderate Muslims oppose the Islamic Terrorists, but fear them too much to resist them, lest they be murdered for their resistance; Christians are giving their lives sacrificially instead of denouncing Christ and converting to Islam. Conclusion: In order to win this worldwide war against Islam, Christians must work to convert the Muslims of the world to Christianity by preaching and practicing the gospel. For every terrorist we kill with the military, 100 more fanatically indoctrinated Muslims take their place. We cannot win this war without including the evangelism of Muslims. For every Tomahawk missile fired, we need to drop a pallet of bibles for the people, along with programmed iPads and iPhones and Christian literature with the gospel. That should be followed up with Christian missionaries to teach, preach and organize Christian missions and Christian churches, and ultimately, governments for the people to live in freedom. This all takes GOD ANOINTED LEADERSHIP; transformational leadership, world-changing leadership. The Muslims have their leaders; They are producing atrocities, death, and chaos. God has his leaders, also. Now is the time for them to come forth. Let’s quit listening to our government lie to us; we are at war with Islam. We need new leaders in government who will tell the truth. Billy Falling, Pastor, The Internet Church, International P.O. Box 440, Chula Vista, CA 91912.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 01:26:21 +0000

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