British intelligence agencies have reportedly identified - TopicsExpress


British intelligence agencies have reportedly identified 23-year-old British subject Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary as the murderer of American photo-journalist James Foley. Bary, a rap singer whose songs have aired on BBC radio, is also known as Jihadi John, a reference to the late John Lennon of the Beatles, the iconic British pop group known to be a favorite band of British-born ISIS terrorists. His father is an Egyptian national who fled to the United Kingdom in search of political asylum, but who was also reputed to be a key aide to al Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden. The elder Bary was arrested by the British in 1998, and extradited to the United States in 2012. One critical fact about Jihadi John is this: Bary...last year left his family’s house in Maida Vale west London. He lived with his mother and five siblings in what was described as a £1 million home.” The house in which Bary lived looks to be valued at close to $1.7 million, which tells us enough about him to debunk the conventional-wisdom meme that terrorists are created when young men living in abject poverty and oppression see themselves as having no hope and are thus forced to resort to violence against particularly the United States in order to have their grievances heard and addressed. What we have in Bary is a guy living in a fancy home no matter where you put it on the planet, who had a lucrative career in entertainment and was generally living the high life until he up and went to Syria to kill westerners and others who oppose the establishment of a rigidly orthodox, theocratic, sharia-law-based Islamic state in the Middle East. In this, hes not unlike the 19 Saudi Arabian nationals who committed the 9/11 acts of terror. They came from affluent, well-educated families that had things pretty good. If anything, their lives were made better and more prosperous because of the West. American and British consumers spending their money on oil or rap music largely paid for their comfortable lifestyles. If anything, the whole oppressed third-world young men forced into radicalism thing is but a variation on the equally phony manufactured crisis of income inequality that currently is getting run up the American flagpole with not a lot of salutes. Us-versus-them on that basis isnt much of a rallying cry. The evil that Bary and his cohorts do isnt our fault. They got their heads all screwed up on their own.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 16:03:11 +0000

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