British journalist Mirrors Martin Newman, he visited Serbia and - TopicsExpress


British journalist Mirrors Martin Newman, he visited Serbia and noted down his impressions in the report published on the website of the newspaper, which I entirely transmitted. Perućac (Photo: tamburix / Flickr) Perućac (Photo: tamburix / Flickr) Minibus be buried at the top of the climb dangerous. Dina Our guide turned to us and said: The driver still will not go. From here we walked across . Somewhere in the valley below us was a desert monastery chapel from the 17th century. hidden from the eyes of all who ride the mountains of Western Serbia and virtually unmarked, closest to the concept of sanctuary of all the places you can go, says Newman. It was built 1622nd on the ruins of the monastery from the 11th century chapel with frescoes inspired by Byzantine Empire, typical of many cultural heritage and unspoiled natural beauty of Serbia, who are largely hidden from Western tourists. Nation, suffered wars over the centuries respect, again raised the building and adapted to the times of conflict again. However, because of the struggle with post-communist age, the division of Yugoslavia, and economic problems within the European Union, many of the beauty of Serbia were ignored. Drivers group Bojan, a retired military pilot, drove us from Belgrade, so we visited the western mountains and to the Drina river rafting trip in Bajina Basta on an annual regatta. well known for its fishing and the house he built on a rock in the middle of the river. As a tourist attraction house on the rock should be the pride of the area, but like many other things that Ive discovered in Serbia, the Serbs is taken for granted and more admire her party. Through richly mottled green houses along the river, we came to the National Park Tara, dark and overgrown with pine trees, in which live bears and crystal clear springs. Along the way we visited the house in restaurants. In the whole of Serbia, the heart of the national cuisine is meat and grilled fish, and the Serbian hospitality we were always served in abundance. What was filled with freshly prepared, mostly local produce wonderful breads and salads along with an endless array of stored meat on the grill. Chief among these were a delicacy ćevapčići, sticks of ground meat, similar to the Greek kofteu. In Serbia, the concept of organic food is irrelevant, because the traditional agriculture is almost entirely organic, at least by British standards, says Newman. The first night we spent in a cozy mountain hut in Zlatibor, where we were greeted by hosts national drink, brandy, brandy from plum that would stun an elephant. In the morning we went by train on narrow tracks, Sargan Eight, through the mountains to the wood village Drvengrad, which is almost entirely under the traditional construction techniques made Serbian Serbian director Emir Kusturica, winner of the Palme dOr. After that we went to a nearby top Tornik, one of the many ski destinations during the winter, says Njuman who is with the team the next day he went to Belgrade. Belgrade, a city of 1.2 million inhabitants, divided into the old center and the modern suburbs. Packed with the brilliant residential buildings, museums and churches, and also contains influences of Titos communism. It was built at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, offers a beautiful view, and here you have to be sure to dine at one of the many restaurants on the water along the banks of the Sava River. In addition, you should visit the magnificent Temple of Saint Sava and Kalemegdan Fortress. Worth explore the Roman ruins and Titos Mausoleum House of Flowers. Buildings Belgrade, many of which fail due to years of neglect, have rustic charm, but among them are many trendy bars, restaurants, nightclubs and boutiques. In fact, food and fashion is very high here quoted. Located in the Metropole Palace Hotel with five stars, I found that they have the best breakfast made from a rich selection of cakes and sweets that are a reflection of the influence of the Ottoman Empire. We spent the evening in the Public Dine & Wine, tastefully decorated contemporary restaurant in the bohemian quarter Skadarlija and Reka on the Danube, where we played the whole night, and I learned some of the best dance moves Balkans. Glorious in its simplicity, it involves pointing the finger above his head, while you look thoughtful and slightly touched, and is especially applicable with turbo folk ballads which are very popular here. Ive previously visited by Belgrade and still am surprised by how Belgrade have fashion sense, despite the fact that the average monthly salary barely around 390 euros. As a city, it is completely formed destination, packed with excellent content. And outside the city, there are many signs of slow awakening of tourism in Serbia, which has embraced its natural treasures and persevering friendliness of its people.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 15:11:59 +0000

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