Broadcasting Center In Christ: (Contn.) Now when Moses went - TopicsExpress


Broadcasting Center In Christ: (Contn.) Now when Moses went into the tabernacle of meeting to speak with Him, he heard the voice of One speaking to him from above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the Testimony, from between the two cherubim; thus He spoke to him (Num. 7:89). The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Ro. 8:16). Stand still for the Voice: There are times you need to wait till God speaks. Whenever people brought their genuine questions to Moses, he told them to stand still till he found out what God would say to him (Nu. 9:6-9). When God gave the commandment about the Passover, some could not keep it because they were defiled by a dead body. They asked Moses why they should be deprived of their celebration. Moses didnt insist on yesterdays word but waited for a fresh word from heaven. God spoke to him and allowed them to celebrate the Passover contrary to His previous instructions. You have the Word of God as logos for all your life problems, and yet you need to wait for the fresh word from heaven. You live by every Rhema word that proceeds from His mouth (Mt. 4:4). Prepare for the Voice: The burnt offering was brought regularly and continuously at the Tabernacle from where God met His people and spoke to them (Ex. 29:42-43). This speaks of continuous praise and a deep consecration to The Lord. A consecrated life is the prerequisite for hearing His Voice in you. Continuous praise and worship tunes your spirit to listen to Gods voice and shuts off other voices (Ac. 13:2). The whole Sanctuary was sanctified by Gods glory. When Gods glory envelops you, you can easily hear Gods whisperings. This requires time in His Presence. Beloved, hearing God should be your top priority in Christ. If people under the Old Covenant like Moses could hear God so much, how much more should you in the New Covenant hear Him! Your conscience is washed by His Blood. Your spirit is quickened by His life. What could hinder you from hearing God? Thank You, Lord, I am led by Your Spirit because I am in Christ. (Ro. 8:14).
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:23:43 +0000

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