Broken Together I heard this song the other day and as it - TopicsExpress


Broken Together I heard this song the other day and as it brought tears to my eyes i remembered so many things we built and shared together. as the days months and even years drift by i look at myself, not as a failure but yet as an example as to how hard it is to believe in things in life especially the word FOREVER. constant regrets and confused thoughts. i do so many amazing things from day to day that in my heart i know you would be so proud of and smile because you know that what i am doing is right and the things i believe in the most in life, yet i can not share them with the distance we have between each other. back in the day when we first met life was easy. i loved you and you loved me in return and the more we loved each other the more we went out of our ways to show that love because no matter what we didnt want to lose it for any reason. as time passed and our relationship got into a day to day routine we both drifted from each other yet tried so hard to still indeed show how much we couldnt ever imagaine being from one another. even on the hardest and most trying of days we stood tall and believed that all was right and it was meant to be as we faced our trials and errors. Broken together do you ask? my hearts bled like never before, my emtions yet still not healed have been breaking in a puddle of mush sense the day you walked away from our life together. this has and will never be a fairy tale. this is a hard life without effort nothing could or will ever last. you know all my serecrts as i know many of yours. i can close my eyes and smell your hair from miles away. i dream of your smile because i memorized your presence around me. they say that time healls all wounds,in my eyes if time healed all wounds then why are thier scares . time only occupies the action your are doing at the moment but in them silent times unspoken there you are once again, with my heart full of regrets and emotion i can not show to the world any longer. not because of judgment but because its time to face the world head on and alone. some also say that everything is replacable. in my eyes flower your unreplacable and a fool would tell me different. no one could or would ever replace the times we have shared and things faced together that have made us as strong as we are today. i could go one and on forever and a day of all the wonderful things in life that keeps me in love with you but in reality it doesnt need to be said because deep done within your heart you know. i have dedicated this song for you because i know were both broken and the words are just where it is my heart beats. the day you took my hand as your wife and the smile and look you has in your eyes took my breath away. i was the luckiest man alive and you and you alone picked me to spend your life with. maybe we werent made to be complete, shattered dreams nor not we could be broken TOGETHER. im sorry for the days you regret in this relationship and for the times i never took the time to show you how it was i loved you so dearly. the only way to last for ever is that effort from both. I guess in reality it takes more than a promise. as my letter comes to an end and the song silences i want you to know without a dought in your mind that my love has always been true and i have never let go for one moment wishing to enjoy the rest of my life with you by my side. loving you with all my heart forever and a day xxx
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:00:12 +0000

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