Brook Church Hillburn, New York The Rev. Nancy Fields, MS, - TopicsExpress


Brook Church Hillburn, New York The Rev. Nancy Fields, MS, M.Div, D.Min., Pastor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Twenty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost 27 October 2013 WE ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME THE ORGAN PRELUDE THE CHOIR PROCESSION THE ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CALL TO WORSHIP L: Praise is due to you, O God, O you who answer prayer. P: Happy are those who live in your courts those who are satisfied with the goodness of your house and your holy temple. L: You are the hope of all things, Holy One, from the ends of the earth to the farthest seas. P: You make the gateways of the evening and the morning shout for joy. L: Rejoice in God, O people, and be glad. P: Let us shout and sing together for joy. AMEN. INVOCATION (unison) God of all generations, on this Reformation Sunday, we remember mothers and fathers in the faith who took bold steps in new directions to re-form your church. Pour out your spirit upon us, that we too may dream dreams, see visions, and view the whole created order as your bountiful temple. With responsibility and joy, we pledge ourselves to renew this temple, in Jesus’ name. Amen. *A HYMN OF PRAISE TO BE ANNOUNCED CALL TO CONFESSION Creator God, we confess this day to engaging in habits that diminish the bounty of your creation. Not satisfied with the goodness of your holy temple, your seas and mountains, your rain and soil, we have fashioned a system of sustenance that seems good to us, but cannot be sustained. PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) Be merciful to us, for we have sinned. Answer us with awesome deeds of deliverance, O Hope of the Earth. Give us vision and a prophetic spirit. Renew our vocation, as stewards of your creation. Amen. ASSURANCE OF PARDON Do not lose heart. Those who humbly admit their sins find favor with God. For God answers prayer, and forgives transgression. Believe this good news: We are forgiven and freed to newness of life. *THE GLORIA PATRI Red Hymnal #546 PSALM FOR THE DAY Psalm 65 Page 498 CHORAL SELECTION Choir SCRIPTURE LESSON First Testament Joel 2:23-32 Page 788 Second Testament 2 Timothy 4:6-8 & 16-18 Page 1039 Gospel Luke 18:9-14 Page 911 CHORAL SELECTION Choir Let the Children Come: A Word with the Children” MESSAGE Those Teachable Moments... Rev. Nancy Fields HYMN OF MEDITATION To be announced *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed The Peace Greet one another saying: “The peace of Christ be with you” Prayers of the People Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (unison) We are so competitive, Lord. We want to know who will be best and first, and we hope that it is each one of us. You call us special and we interpret it to mean the best. And we feel that we are entitled to all that is due to the best. Jesus reminded us that the best of us will be the servants, will be those who are willing to help and witness to others, not for their own honor but for God’s honor and praise. Far too long, we have decided that we know what is best for the whole world. We want to run the whole show, but we don’t want to listen to you, God. You want us to bring peace, to listen to others needs and wants. We want to impose our wills on everyone. We have gotten way off the track of discipleship. Bring us back, patient God. Shake the dust of arrogance from us and nourish us with humility and joy. Help us to be the kind of disciples that serve you faithfully. For we ask these things in Jesus’ Name. AMEN. Invitation to the Offering (Psalm 65) Aware of the bounty of God’s created earth, we are invited now to give generously from our abundance. Let us share God’s blessings, as we collect our tithes and offerings. OFFERING OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS TO GOD *THE DOXOLOGY *A PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) Whatever challenges we face, O God, we have also known your many blessings threshing floors full of grain, vats overflowing with wine and oil. Accept these gifts as tokens of our thankfulness, that they may be used to prophesy in your spirit and to share your bounty with those in need. Amen. *A HYMN OF DEDICATION To be announced * BENEDICTION Breathe in the words of the psalmist: “The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy, the meadows clothe themselves with flocks, the valleys deck themselves with grain, they shout and sing together for joy.” Let these words fill you as you go forth, inspiring you to do no less. Dream dreams, see visions, renew God’s temple, God’s church, God’s earth. Go in peace. Amen *Please stand if you are able + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ANNOUNCEMENTS Liturgist for October – Sheree Edwards Our Facebook page is up again! Email Address – BrookChurch@hotmail WEEKLY EVENTS Session Meeting – Sunday, November 10th – following worship Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner – Friday, November 15th 34th Annual Interfaith Service – Tuesday, November 26th 7:00 pm @ Brook Church MILITARY PRAYER LIST In Military Service: Kyle Smedley, Chris Thaxton, Luis DelaCruz, Wayne Morris, Scott & Marianne Daughtry, Eben Morris, Jason Perry, Phillip Garnet, Elliot DeFreese, Hedman, Matt Harris, ALL Community Prayer List BROOK CHURCH, Dariel Powell, Beatrice Brown and the Field’s family Chuck Stead, Joe & Joan Davis, Debbie Duncan, Taisha Davis, Edward (Dutch) Powell Jr., Lisa Jennings, Chris Moore, Lee George, David Kyles, Dawn Jennings, Brother (Robert) Morgan, LoriAnn Cortez, Lydia and Sandy Chan, Louis Vavaul, Lisa Carolina and family, Crystal Sullivan, Mike Powell, Heather Jennings, Frank Kyles, Eileen Caldwell, Harris Hurwitz, Stan Dennison, Bruce Duncan, Dinger Miller, Donna Hines, David Peterson, Liandra Wheeler, Harriet Johnsen, Florence Saint-Victor, David Burrows, Connie Fox, David Muldrow, Pauline Mathais, Fran Becker, Susan Jones, Regina McCormick, Peter Galindez, Peter Alexander, Pearl Morris, Anita Williams, Justine Galinsky, Doug Laforge, Mrs Northern, Justine Wynn, Carrie Lee, Sam Osterhoudt, Shirley Dennison, Lola Degroat, Gary and Cindy Hogan, John Perry, Aaron Alexander, Malachai Tenemille, Kellie Garey, Kenny Short, Betty Lou Perry, Clipper Oliver, Janet Hartwill, Liz Cooke, Sam & Patty Lynn Carrington, Jeff DeFreese, Gwen Robinson. Lemi-Tola, Our Adopted Ethiopian Child, All God’s Children – Travelers - Victims of Domestic Violence – Unsaved Loved Ones - All involved in war --- PEACE Federal recognition of the Ramapough Mountain Indians Comfort and relieve, O Lord, all who are in trouble…sorrow…poverty…sickness…grief…or any other need, especially those known to us, whom we name before you… Heal them in body, mind, or circumstance, working in them, by your grace, wonders beyond all they may dream or hope; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. Prayer List – If you would like to have a family member or friend added to the prayer list please give names to Pat Osterhoudt, or send prayer requests to BrookChurch@hotmail
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:54:59 +0000

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