Brook Church Hillburn, New York The Rev. Nancy Fields, MS, - TopicsExpress


Brook Church Hillburn, New York The Rev. Nancy Fields, MS, M.Div, D.Min., Pastor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ninth Sunday After Pentecost 10 August 2014 WE ASSEMBLE IN GOD’S NAME THE ORGAN PRELUDE THE CHOIR PROCESSION THE ANNOUNCEMENTS THE CALL TO WORSHIP L: Give thanks to the Lord! P: Sing praise to God’s name! L: The Lord has done wonderful things for us! P: The Lord has heaped blessing upon blessing in our lives! L: Come, sing, shout, and give thanks to God. P: In all our ways, we will continually thank God forever. AMEN. LET THE CHILDREN COME” A WORD WITH THE CHILDREN INVOCATION (unison) Lord, we come to you this day, seeking your healing and restoring love. Give us courage to reach out to you in the good and easy times as well as in the times of strain and stress. Open our hearts to receive your message of peace and hope. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN. *A HYMN OF PRAISE To Be Announced CALL TO CONFESSION Lord, you know us too well. You know how easy it is for us to come to you and to proclaim loudly of our faith when all is going well. PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) But when the waters get rough and the waves threaten to swamp our little boats, we cry and wail in fear. We are sure that these waves will be the very things that destroy us. Over the wind and the waves you call to us to place our trust in you. That’s not so easy for us. We are so used to getting lots of reassurances and written guarantees of safety. But still you call to us. Help us take our focus off the wind and the waves and place our gaze directly on you. Attune our hearts and our lives to hear your call and to respond in faith. For we offer this prayer in the name of Jesus. AMEN. ASSURANCE OF PARDON Don’t be afraid. Jesus is with you at all times. You are healed, forgiven, and loved. Come and live in the love of the Lord. AMEN. *THE GLORIA PATRI Red Hymnal #546 PSALM OF THE DAY Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45 Page 523 CHORAL SELECTION To Be Announced SCRIPTURE LESSON First Testament Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28 Page 32 Second Testament Romans 10:5-15 Page 985 Gospel Matthew 14:22-33 Page 849 CHORAL SELECTION To Be Announced MESSAGE Elder Norman Martin HYMN OF MEDITATION To Be Announced *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed The Peace Greet one another saying: “The peace of Christ be with you” Prayers of the People Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (unison) Life seems to get crazy sometimes. We love the smooth times when all is well, but, O Lord, we have serious problems with wind and waves. We want you to “fill our sails with a lovely breeze that guides our little boats across the glassy sea”; but you know that life isn’t just glassy seas and gentle breezes. Sometimes things get rough. Help us place our trust in you during all these rough times. You call to us to reach out, to take our focus off our own panic and place our trust in your love. Then you ask us to reach out to others with the same kind of love and compassion that you have given to us. Today we have come to you with burdens and cares. Our “seas” are not calm, but you offer to us a lifeline. Be with us. Guide our lives. Give us courage and hope. Strengthen us to truly be your disciples. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN. OFFERING OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS TO GOD *THE DOXOLOGY *A PRAYER OF DEDICATION (unison) There are many ways to respond to Gods faithfulness, love, and mercy in our lives. We come now, seeking to be faithful disciples of Jesus, and to respond to God through our tithes, gifts, and offerings. As we put these gifts in your hands and lift our eyes in gratitude, bless the gifts and multiply them to ease the need in places we may never go for people we may never meet. We ask this in the holy name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen. *A HYMN OF DEDICATION To Be Announced * BENEDICTION Neither wind nor waves can swamp you! Place your trust in God’s mercy and love. Go into the world in peace, confident of God’s presence and love for all creation. AMEN. *Please stand if you are able + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ANNOUNCEMENTS Liturgist for August – Mae Bowens Sunday School - 11:00am - Norman Martin Email Address – BrookChurch@hotmail WEEKLY EVENTS Community Prayer List Gina VanDunk-Burris, Brother (Robert) Morgan,Betty Powell, Billie Caldwell, Joseph Burris, Ira Appel, Frank DePauw, Donna Appel, Mabel Spruill, Crystal Sullivan,Roman Suchcicki , Alonzo Mann, Carolyn Coupart, Wallace Michael Van Dunk, Leah Powell Benner And Wayne Benner, Greg Van Dunk, Jack Caldwell Sr. & Jr., Eileen Caldwell, Brittnay Cathrine Groff, Joe & Amber Powell, Genisa Jennings Demas, Graceann Mann, John & Eleanor Degraw, Carla Alexander, Geneva Williams, Mike Wright, Mrs Northern, Bruce Haiglar, Dariel Powell, Beatrice Brown, Chuck Stead, Joe & Joan Davis, , Taisha Davis, Lisa Jennings, Chris Morrie, Lee George, David Kyles, Chris Thaxton, Dawn Jennings, LoriAnn Cortez, Lydia and Sandy Chan, Louis Vavaul, Crystal Sullivan, Mike Powell, Heather Jennings, Frank Kyles, Harris Hurwitz, Stan Dennison, Bruce Duncan, Dinger Miller, Donna Hines, David Peterson, Harriet Johnsen, Florence Saint-Victor, David Burrows, Connie Fox, David Muldrow, Pauline Mathais, Fran Becker, Susan Jones, Regina McCormick, Peter Galindez, Peter Alexander, Pearl Morris, Anita Williams, Justine Galinsky, Doug Laforge, Justine Wynn, Carrie Lee, Shirley Dennison, Lola Degroat, Gary and Cindy Hogan, John Perry, Aaron Alexander, Malachai Tenemille, Kellie Garey, Kenny Short, Betty Lou Perry, Clipper Oliver, Janet Hartwill, Liz Cooke, Sam & Patty Lynn Carrington, Jeff DeFreese, Gwen Robinson BROOK CHURCH. All God’s Children – Travelers - Victims of Domestic Violence – Unsaved Loved Ones - All involved in war --- PEACE Federal recognition of the Ramapough Mountain Lenape Comfort and relieve, O Lord, all who are in trouble…sorrow…poverty…sickness…grief…or any other need, especially those known to us, whom we name before you… Heal them in body, mind, or circumstance, working in them, by your grace, wonders beyond all they may dream or hope; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. Prayer List – If you would like to have a family member or friend added to the prayer list please give names to Pat Osterhoudt, or send prayer requests to BrookChurch@hotmail
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:11:14 +0000

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