Brother Branham: India is a keynote HANDWRITING.ON.THE.WALL_ - TopicsExpress


Brother Branham: India is a keynote HANDWRITING.ON.THE.WALL_ JEFF.IN 56-0902 E-46 Brother, when I see the ensign lifted yonder in Jerusalem, when I see the Jews returning back, when I see that middle eastern problem, little old India is laid down there all these years and now shes a keynote, illiterate people, but a keynote. Brother Branham: God will give India the Holy Ghost TO.SEE.JESUS_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 54-0718E E-4 And Im trusting, and know that in India this time, will be the greatest meeting that the Lord has ever let me minister in all my life, for this time. And I have the vision wrote out here; I believe, which most of the people has it wrote in your own Bibles. And you can see whether it will be that way or not after its over. And if its not that way, then you can say I didnt speak to the Lord, or He didnt speak to me, rather. But if it does, then you remember that--that He talked with me. And Im so happy tonight, to know that--that Jesus has not forsaken the people in this great day that were living, under this great strain that were all under today, yet our Lord has not left us. He said, I will not leave you comfortless. I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, and He will abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth, Who the world cannot receive. Brother Branham: Lets make ready for the promise of God.. EXPECTATION_ LONG.BEACH.CA TUESDAY_ 61-0207 E-27 Now, if God has promised a revival here, were going to have it. Lets make ready for it. If God promised to heal, lets make ready for it. If Jesus said, The works that I do, shall you do also, lets make ready for it. Move out everything; get ready. Were right in time. Brother Branham on India: THUS SAITH THE LORD ... the Gospels going to be preached just overnight. Shell just sweep like that from place to place QA.IMAGE.OF.THE.BEAST_ JEFF.IN SATURDAY_ 54-0515 170-137 Listen. We pass tracts all around over the world. You cant go on any little corner less theres been tracts passed, somebody coming through there with theology. You go overseas today and call yourself a missionary, and watch them laugh at you. Walk into India and say, Im a missionary. Well, what are you going to teach us? They know more about the Bible... Some of their kids over there know more about it than some of the teachers here in America knows about it. After all, its an eastern Book. And remember, they had the Gospel hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years fore America ever come into existence. Saint Thomas, the great church that he preached in, is still standing today in India. They dont need any of your teaching; they know all about it. They said, What are you going to teach us? Well, were American Missionaries. QA.IMAGE.OF.THE.BEAST_ JEFF.IN SATURDAY_ 54-0515 171-139 What are you going to teach us, how to drink whiskey? Thats what you all do over there in your churches: smoke cigarettes? Going to teach us how to divorce our wives and so forth? Said, If youre going to do that, we dont want it. And said, Youre coming over here with some new theology or something another; youre going to try to teach us some of the Word; we know more about it than you do. And thats right. He said, But if youre coming to demonstrate what the Word says, well receive it. Amen. There you are. Thats the thing theyre hungering for. Mark my word; write it in the pages of your Bible, for its THUS SAITH THE LORD, Remember, when we land in India, youre going to hear of tens of thousands times thousands being saved. The Holy Spirit has said it; Ive wrote it here in my Bible; its wrote in tens of thousands of Bibles right here, like the resurrection of the little boy. By a vision that He said, Theres three hundred thousand of them in there. And you see if that isnt right. Theres how the Gospels going to be preached just overnight. Shell just sweep like that from place to place. Brother Branham on India THUS SAITH THE LORD... the Gospels going to be preached just overnight. Shell just sweep like that from place to place Lets make ready for the promise of God God will give India the Holy Ghost
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:02:28 +0000

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