Brothers and SiStars of Light and Love, Ive just been asked to - TopicsExpress


Brothers and SiStars of Light and Love, Ive just been asked to relay this message from My Master Guide Archangel Metatron at this point in time. It is once again asked that all of you strive to do your very best to acknowledge these traumatic ancient emotions that are being purged from your very cores stemming back as far as your first soul incarnation. These emotions and traumas of the low vibrational frequencies must be recognized as not of this lifetime, felt one last time, the released and passed thru the Regal Royal Purple Light Energies to no longer have any physical or emotional anchorage within all of your vessels that are in transition to a higher and much lighter cleaner frequency that is to aid in the elevation of All that Is. The Cleansing Energies of The Highest Vibrational Frequency of The Purple Light is now fully encapsulating Mother Gaia and all that are of Soul Energy are being bombarded in the most loving of ways to rid the Soul and The Vessels containing these Souls of Their Genealogical Karmic Debris. Man, Animal, Sea Creatures, Insects. All that carry soul energy within said vessels. Even as you read this the Animal Kingdom is being cleared of the Traumas of past lives and being brought into the very same Higher Realms of Ascension Consciousness on The Planet. As we are all living in and on the same Biosphere contained in the Earths Atmosphere, we must all be on the same or very similar frequencies in order to have the Continuum of Ascension Energies Ebbing and Flowing thru all Creatures Great and Small. So as when you may see an Ant on the counter place a paper towel in its path... Allow it to walk upon it then escort it out the door to live another day! Show it your Loving Light of Acceptance for all that Is! For every action we take toward life at this time is amplified in the Greater Consciousness of our Eternal Oneness with Creation and The Energies put forth from said Oneness! Blessed Are We to walk in The Light of this, The Grand Times of Ascension! 🙏Om Shanti Om🙏 ✨🙏Namase🙏✨ 🙏~~SAT NAM~~🙏 ✨🙏 Gregory🙏✨ 🙏Om Shanti Om🙏
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 21:13:45 +0000

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