Brothers and Sisters, This is part 2 on utilitarianism - TopicsExpress


Brothers and Sisters, This is part 2 on utilitarianism ideology. The Unitarian Universalist Church of America or “The hall of hell.” Word of the LORD; I John 2: 19….”} Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. {2:19} They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would [no doubt] have continued with us: but [they went out,] that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.” In 1887, there was a great schism within the English Baptist Union when Charles Spurgeon raise his classic arguments against eternal salvation and the creeping into the Baptist faith of many heretical worldly concepts such as evolution and the blasphemy of an nonjudgmental god. Spurgeon, who had preached the purity of the 1611 King James bible since childhood, further angered multitudes in the Metropolitan Baptist Union by declaring that people could do a hundred good works and still rot in eternal hell even if they accepted Christ due to their continued sins. The schism of the union brought many of the Baptist rebels to America where they established a new form of Baptist Church called the Unitarians. Go figure that they would establish their headquarters in liberal godless Boston, Massachusetts...the so called “Birthplace of liberty” Sure….birthplace of “man’s” liberty of lasciviousness. The Unitarians from the start began to model themselves after the local Roman Catholic church and quickly they spread themselves across America to infect other Baptist Churches who had ties to the Metropolitan Union in England. What happened in the late 1800’s with the Universalists is again happening today with Rick Warren’s blasphemy, the sodomite loving, Islam kissing Saddleback Church of Texas. bringing the same idiology of christ-hating Utilitarianism to vulnerable churches. In 1961, The Unitarians merged with another apostate church, the Universalist Church of God to form the Universal/Unitarians Church of America. Word of the LORD; I John 2: 15….” Love not the world, neither the things [that are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. {2:16} For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” The “UUA” cult is no longer a Baptist, Bible believing church but a rampant world-loving apostasy of Earth worshiping, pagan fools. It is a works based, empty salvation, sin denying gang of Christ haters. Poor fools beguiled with the message of empty love, tolerance for deviance and worship for a dying world. The “UUA” is the lead progressive organization in America for “civil rights” and “tolerance” better yet…”The rights of fools to be lost fools and tolerance for a war on Christ.” The UUA believes that all people will be saved, that any God which punishes people for excuses just because they live in acceptance by society, is a false god. They deny the Bible, Christ and the one true LORD. They want the wide road to a christless heaven and a roadblock in the path to hell. It may shock you my friends to know that civil rights leader Martin Luther King was a Unitarian not Baptist who preached worldly justice over the justice of God. Man’s kingdom on Earth instead of God’s eternal kingdom. Look at the state of black people in America today honestly and say that Martin Luther King was a good man. How many did he save? The Unitarian/Universalist cult accepts sodomites, wiccans, pagans, earth worshipers and the wise of the world but we know what our LORD thinks of the “worldly wise” do we not? They became fools...they became Romans 1….they became Sodom….they were in the days of Noah….and they perish in their foolery. It is the UUA cult that leads the progression of Utilitarianism in America and is setting forth the way for anti-christ and the false prophet. Next posting, part 3, Throw the finger at God and it will be cut off...sins do have a cost. Gain knowledge brothers and sisters to war for the word of GOD and the salvation of men. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 07:55:55 +0000

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