Brothers and sisters please pray for your faith leaders. Ask God - TopicsExpress


Brothers and sisters please pray for your faith leaders. Ask God to give them the strength to press on. Those who are Holy Spirit led in the ministry find ourselves in a lonely place. It is hard to see the people you care about suffering because of the things some do to themselves and their minds wont allow them to see it. It is extremely difficult to watch people you care about suffer when you have been divinely given the solutions that will eradicate the source of the problems they are dealing with... yet they will not listen to what is being shared. Its easy to not have patience with people who think they know it all about why they are going through, but can not seem to know how to find their way out of it. They wont hear what you are saying because they are too busy looking to their own understanding, which enabled the struggle, to get them out of the struggle their own understanding enabled. It is hard to have patience, but we as faith leaders must have compassion and patience just as God has for us. It is hard as you see people struggling and you have the answer to eliminate that struggle... yet they wont listen to you. Pray that the faith leader understands that he/she is planting a seed..and it is God who will reap the harvest. Pray for your faith leader to maintain patience and compassion for those who dont see yet.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 20:10:10 +0000

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