Brothers and sisters we are sure weathering some storms of late - - TopicsExpress


Brothers and sisters we are sure weathering some storms of late - we feel for those in Christchurch three years after their earthquakes still in the lurch while the fat cats administering get fatter on the insurance and government handouts but thousands facing storms unprecedented in houses unfit for a fellow kiwi to live in, Wellington being hit by hurricane gales and waves of tsunami proportions and our productive lands of the Waikato and western Northland in the grips of a monumental drought. Its not just climate that is hurting our country, more New Zealanders are being so badly treated by self serving self promoting secret squirrel parliamentarians and their fat cat evil academic supposedly public servants, 80% are in living in poverty, paid wages that makes sustainability in this rich country impossible while 10% of the filthy rich get filthier rich not paying any taxation toward the countrys well being and !0% goes unimpeded to the multi national corporates again not paying for the privilege of operating in our country... the latter 20% who whichever political party are in power are served by the bureaucracy and administrators - our weak slimy unprincipled human masters. Todays a good day to take a dose of Prophet Malachi - it will comfort you knowing what is to become of todays human masters! But we are New Zealanders and as this post says - bow your heads, get back on your knees and pray and weather the storm. There is always a better day coming.... guaranteed!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:04:46 +0000

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