Brothers, it is TIME to start speaking Life to our - TopicsExpress


Brothers, it is TIME to start speaking Life to our Queens. Sisters, it is TIME to start speaking Life to your Kings. Positivity. ONLY. Of course its a stretch. We didnt do it enough, but THAT was Yesterday. FORGET THE REASONS WHY AND CHANGE IT. IF we want to really uplift AllUsWe, we have to do things differently. The American Thang hasnt really worked for us. It has split us at a Time when we need to be walking in Solidarity more than at any other Time in our Sojourn here. So, lets start speaking Life to each other. Dont worry about the ones that aint gonna come around. Dont bother to shame them. Speak Life to them as well. If they reject it, fine. You have still planted a seed. And should they reject you, dont correct them; dont judge them either. Let it BE. What I am talking about is a MOVEMENT that will eventually make that kind of behavior OBSOLETE, so our Focus has to be on the DOING; looking for results is Ego driven and that isnt with this is about. I had to be convinced of this to this EXTREME myself, because a Realist considers every eventuality. However, that can (unconsciously) be Self-Defeating. Some things REQUIRE Suspension of Belief. If that phrase is unpalatable to you, Ill say it like this: some things REQUIRE Faith in the Process. So, The Process it is: Speak Life, Speak Love, Speak Peace, Speak Positivity, and YOU WILL BE CALLING THE THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE. Are you with me? Old habits are hard to break, but THIS day, I say (expletive deleted) your old habits and mine. WE CAN DO THIS. WE MUST BEGIN TODAY. This even includes speaking positively about those you dont like. EVERYONES GOT A LITTLE LIGHT, even though whose Humanity we may have previously devalued. Whatever. Today we are speaking Life to them, because we want them to LIVE AND FLOURISH. You plant the seed. Another will water. Someone else will fertilize. Eventually, HARVEST!!! We have spoken enough Bad JuJu on ourselves. The Time is now to REVERSE the Trend. You want to see peoples behavior change for the better en masse? Start putting Love and Life into the atmosphere. Speak the good things and WATCH them happen. It really isnt hard to do. Just do it it. Pay NO ATTENTION to Ego, just do it. There is GREATNESS in ALL of us. Speaking Life and Love to our people will tease it out. And once THAT happens, there will be an AVALANCHE. They wont be able to stop us. How does it go, You catch more flies with HONEY than VINEGAR? Lets make this HAPPEN!!! Upendo na Amani...
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:30:42 +0000

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