Brothers white women are pretty and as a successful black man I - TopicsExpress


Brothers white women are pretty and as a successful black man I haved dated a couple. I find no difference between white women and any other women and find that they are all crazy as hell. However I have found that if I must deal with crazy women my preference is crazy black women, typically from louisiana (the craziest of the crazy). All jokes aside think about this, in chess the game is played between white and black pieces and the object is to eliminate the white or black king. At the point where the opposing side sacrifices his queen he has lost. If you have his queen where she is locked into a position necessary to keep another peice trapped that means that the opposing peice is powerful or threatening so she is used to neutralize it. In chess the king is the most important peice but the queen is most the powerful peice. Interesting enough any pawn can become a queen. So one queen used to neutralize another player or sacrifice will not end the game, the object is to keep the king is safe. That said to you rich and powerful black athletes, during your pro ball orientations they tell you to not to date women that basically look and act like black wome. You brotherd often end up with white (queens) as girlfriends, wives. Same applies to you brothers who are lawyers and doctors because society suggest that after you become rich you are entitled to a white (queen.) Now if you are a black man that is poor and broke and have a white woman or any women of any color that has been down with you since the beginning this does not apply to you because she probably loves you and your probably would be smart to keep her around. Money is power so you black men that get rich and powerful you are black kings. Recognize that in the system of white supremacy racism which is a political construct. The object of white supremacy is to divest black kings of the power necessary to build their kingdom. We have seen the scenerio play out a thousand times rich black king marries white queen, (check ) has children (mate) then gets divorced and is taken for all of his money which is his power, (game over). Even if the white queen marrie the to black king until he dies the money goes to the white king by way of the white (queen) and is thus returned to its source and nothing goes to benefit the black community. ..... no new schools, no programs for education no job training nothing. I know brothers black queens will rob your ass blind in divorce court and with child support to but the difference is the money will go to enrich at least in part the lives of other blacks in the community, her momma, her new boyfriend, but still...your thoughts?
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:11:44 +0000

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