Brutal Bosses and Their Prey It is no longer enough to simply - TopicsExpress


Brutal Bosses and Their Prey It is no longer enough to simply ascertain the characteristics of a bully. We also have to understand their victims in order to create solutions which are sustainable in the long run. An unhappy workplace will have a myriad of problems including low productivity and motivation. This adds even more pressure to employees who are required to find solutions to problems which they cannot fully understand in the first place. It is far too easy to put the blame on the nasty boss when everyone else is playing the game. Everyone has to reconsider their behavior before criticizing others. An analytical approach might mean that solutions can very easily be found. In this article we consider some types of unpleasant personalities and the people that they target. A Diagnostic Approach to Workplace Bullying Control freaks These are people who cannot bear the idea that anyone else might do something successfully and get credit for it. Therefore they will try to get attention by becoming complete pests in the job. They try to micro manage their colleagues so that they can prove that they are better than just about everybody else. These bosses tend to take credit away from people who put up with their antics. Victims tend to be workers who are good at their job but are not confrontational enough to demand recognition. [1] Blame merchants Have you ever felt that your boss was being unnecessarily harsh to you about something to do with the workplace? If this goes on for a long time then you are probably dealing with a blame merchant. These bullies tend to target exceptional people in order to bring them down. By constantly pointing out your faults they are hoping to cover their own problems and bring you down to their level. The best way of dealing with these people is becoming even better at your job so that they have no justification for their games. [2] Talkers Some people will just not shut up. It is all about them. They are always giving out instructions and demanding more from the rest of the team. Alternatively they will begin to complain about every single thing in life. They tend to target victims who are good listeners or are sympathetic. Instead of dealing with their problems they will be finding other people to blame for their misfortune. Alternatively they may become gossip merchants. [1] Angry bears Some bosses are just angry at anything that moves. They will throw a tantrum without any explanation. You are therefore left confused about what you should have done in order to keep them happy. It is one of those situations where you have to fully understand the fact that you are not to blame for the foibles of the bully. They just like to throw tantrums and you should not give them attention. These bullies tend to target people who appear to be physically weak.[2] Manipulators The worst boss is the one that attempts to manipulate you into doing things their way. They can be quite charming if they believe that you may be amenable to their agenda. However if you show any resistance then they will turn on you. Slander is not beyond their capabilities as they attempt to get back at you. [3] This is the kind of problem that you will have to deal with on a long term basis as you survive in these toxic relationships. They target people who are perceived to be needy. There are many types of abusive bosses. The critical point for the worker is to find ways of avoiding the worst effects of these brutal bosses. If you can avoid being a victim then it is a good step for you. However you also have to make allowances for the fact that the bully is random in their attacks. They will go for absolutely anybody if they feel that they have a good chance of getting away with it.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:05:25 +0000

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