Bryan was 78 when it was his time to leave the earth. He had - TopicsExpress


Bryan was 78 when it was his time to leave the earth. He had suffered much in his final years from prolonged chain smoking throughout his life. Open awaking Bryan saw a man in a robe surrounded by this holy aura. Bryan immediately knew who it was, with such an aura one could not mistaken this mans identity; Bryan had never seen such a thing in his life. Am I dead he thought? It was as if that thought triggered motion in this man that stood before him, gently he approached Bryan in the most peaceful manner. “Jesus, is that you?” “Yes my son, it is I the son of the almighty.” “Please forgive me”, with that Bryan fell on his knees and put his head to the floor. “No, no please my son, stand. Please stand”, Jesus’ gentle voice asserted. Bryan stood staring into the face of the very man he chose to accept in his life. It was as if Jesus read the exact question Bryan had asked himself a few seconds ago. “Yes my son, you passed in your sleep last night. I chose to bring you home; I could not bear to see you suffer in the state that you were in. I cried many tears as I watched you suffer.” Jesus continued. “I am truly proud of you Bryan, you have chosen to accept me into your life where so many of my sons and daughters have refused to do so. So many of my sons and daughters will not enter my Kingdom of which you are about to lay your very own eyes on. I wish so many of them would choose to believe in me for I love all of my children, I wish they all knew that.” Tears began to blur Bryan’s vision. “Please do not cry my son. You shall cheer up very soon.” Jesus gently touched Bryan’s arm with his right hand and his tears dried up immediately; a feeling of love and warmth filled his body from head to toe. With that, Jesus glanced over his shoulder into pure whiteness and a simple golden door appeared before him. “My son, through this very door is your new home. I have prepared a dwelling there for you, for you have earned your rightful place in the Kingdom of God.” Bryan smiled and Jesus smiled back, a smile of love that none on earth could ever match. Little did Bryan know that his so called dwelling was actually an understatement for what he would receive. A pleasant surprise awaited him. Jesus motioned Bryan with a simple wave of his hand towards the door. As Bryan neared this door Jesus spoke. “Please my son, my only request is that you prepare yourself for this evening for I shall dine with you. I know you have many questions on your mind, and I shall answer every single one of them to your hearts content.” “Yes my Lord, of course. I can not contain my excitement. Thank you.” With that Bryan dislodged the latch on the door and what he saw brought him to his knees. There is no word in any worldly language that could describe the sight before him. He looked over at Jesus and he motioned him forward. “It is yours my son.” “Lord?” “Yes Bryan?” “I always wondered. You know that one time when I was a kid? I was eleven I think. I remember breaking my arm playing rugby, I caught that infection and the doctor was about to declare me dead a week later. However I recovered that very next minute. Was that you?” Jesus looked Bryan square in the eye. “Oh yes my son. That was very much me indeed, very much so.”
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 15:37:55 +0000

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