Btw, its time that every American know who Sharyl Attkinsson is. - TopicsExpress


Btw, its time that every American know who Sharyl Attkinsson is. If you do not know who she is, please make it a point to learn. Because she, if she lives long enough, has enough info to have Obeyme charged with treason. Hopefully before he is allowed to do anything else to destroy this country. Sounds dramatic doesnt it? You betcha. She is a former reporter from the horrible mainstream media that we conservatives love to hate because of their left wing bias that only we can see. Funny how she was stonewalled at every turn, to actually report the news. Btw, thats the name of her new book I think. Stonewalled. Imagine having your work and personal computers hacked by the most transparent govt. in history and all your info purged. Imagine having your own boss tell you to drop stories, because they might be just a little unflattering to the govt in power. Better wake up folks, our freedom is being used, played, and abused by those in power. This is what tyranny looks like. Imagine. And once the lsm is owned by the govt, we will have no power over them, they will have it all over us.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:11:15 +0000

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