Buckle up as I take you all along for tonights leisure 2 + - TopicsExpress


Buckle up as I take you all along for tonights leisure 2 + whatever mile jog.................. Too bizarre to make up!! I make sure to eat my dinner and watch my shows that I had DVRd (X Factor and SOA). Dont judge! Since I am feeling quite guilty for eating a long lost snack that is so good it should be added to the Federal controlled substance list, I go through my old man stretch routine. We all know how important that is so you dont break a hip! And I am off............ I shut the door on my garage and immediately I notice that it is extremely humid tonight. knowing that at some point the shirt that I am wearing will eventually come off away I go. A few blocks into my trot, as I am already shedding my shirt, a car passes me driving entirely too fast for a residential street. So what do I do? I yell at them and tell them to slow down of course! Then I say a few curse words under my breath as they speed away and turn the corner. Still making my way down the path to a better, more healthy me I go until the same car that sped by me before comes up behind me and slows to my pace and begins to follow me with their brights on. Me being the smart ass that I am turn around and run backwards for a couple houses staring at them until I can no longer look into the extreme brightness of the headlights and turn back around. A few more yards and I make my scheduled turn and guess what? Yep they make the turn with me. Now I begin to think to myself maybe they are just a concerned citizen worried about the half naked man running through the neighborhood at 11:30 at night?. With this newly adopted frame of mind I remember something that I posted a while back to FB. I quickly change the song on my iPhone to Eye of The Tiger and start shadow boxing as I continue on with my run. I think this may have eased their concern, or cracked them up, because shortly after they sped off into the night again. I thought to myself yep, now you can mark that off your bucket list! True Story............... BUT WAIT!!!!!!! You would have thought that would have been enough right? YOU WOULD BE WRONG. A short while after the euphoria of the previous events played out and just after roughly the 2 mile mark, out of the darkness I was accosted by an angry dog. As you can guess, at this point I am already getting pretty tired when the natural fight or flight instincts are supposed to kick in. What do I do? I revert back to the same 4 year old little boy who was deathly terrified of large dogs! (SMDH) Here I am sprinting my tired ass off down the middle of the street running for my life when finally calmer emotions take control. Just before I gave my self a heart attack and fell to the ground as a midnight snack for this angry beast, I remember........ I am Bobby Fn Love! Im a man! Im 40! Stand your ground and at least go down fighting. In hindsight this could have very well been the wrong decision seeing as how I was completely winded and my legs were like Jello. So I stopped on a dime and quickly turned around. Summoning the last tiny bit of energy I had, I made a mock charge of my own towards the charging animal. Thank the Lord! He hit the breaks and turned tail back to where he came from! Even though I didnt finish my pre determined distance I walked back home the long way with an extreme sense of accomplishment and some very tired legs! True story!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 05:41:53 +0000

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