Buddha-nature is Non-self Process of Becoming I have asserted - TopicsExpress


Buddha-nature is Non-self Process of Becoming I have asserted that if a person does not know and see his or her Buddha-nature, he or she is just a human sentient being . A human sentient being operates his or her life carnally or physically . He or she is unguarded by spiritual wisdom. A human carnal or sentient unguarded by spiritual wisdom is morally fallable and vulnerable. The most evident characteristic of a human sentient being is that he or she suffers and will suffer through his unskilled actions through body, speech and mind according to the inherent moral law of action and reaction. On the other hands , if a person is wisely skilled in actions through body, speech and mind , he will transcend the karmic bondage of the moral law of action and reaction. The skilled action of life through the body, speech and mind is directed and empowered by perfection of wisdom of knowing and the seeing the Buddha-nature in us. This is the most important agenda of life missed by many. What is Buddha-nature? There are many definitions of Buddha-nature. Sakyamuni Buddha himself defines Buddha-nature in many different ways. As long as one can grasp and gain insight into any of the definitions through mental development or meditation and actual practice, it is possible to rediscover the Buddha-nature. Rediscovery of the Buddha-nature is rediscovering the True Self of humanity. True Self is what a human personality really is . Therefore, Sakyamuni defines the Buddha-nature in terms of insubstantiality or unity or emptiness of the five aggregates. The five aggregates are body, feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness without any human self-centric ego. In other words, the body is not I nor mine nor belonging to me. The feelings are not I nor mine nor belonging to me. The perceptions are not I nor mine nor belonging to me. The volitions are not I nor mine nor belonging to me. The consciousness is not I nor mine nor belonging to me. Then who is owning these five aggregates if the human being does not owns them? It is the Unity of Non-self process of becoming that owns the five aggregates. The five aggregates are inherently unified to constitute the dependently co-arisen Non-self Process of becoming. This is the communal Truth of perennial Wisdom to be realized by all of us. Alternatively, Sakyamuni Budddha also defines the Buddha-nature in terms of the unity of eighteen elements . The eighteen elements are six sense falculties of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, six sense fields of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and thought and the six sense consciousness of seeing consciousness, hearing consciousness, smelling consciousness, tasting consciousness, touching consciousness and thinking consciousness. All these eighteen elements are inherently and interdependently unified into a Non-self Process of becoming of Oneness. The Oneness of Being of Non-self Process of becoming is the Buddha-nature. This is the communal Truth of perennial Wisdom to be realized by all us. If the Buddha-nature is further analysed , the Buddha-nature is none other that universal unification principle of dependent co-arisen unity of the impermanent (Anicca) phenomena and the permanent principle of Insubstantialty (Anatta) giving rise to all human sense activities. When the bipolar poles of impermanence and permanence are unified by wisdom, that is the life of lasting happiness called nibbana or nirvana. When these two bipolar poles are separated by ignorance, the outcome of life is unending suffering. Therefore, the Buddha-nature can also be defined in terms of universal unification principle of the Unity of Opposites. From the Buddhist perspective, the bipolar Unity of Opposites is the Buddhist Middle Way of harmonious equality and interpenetration between phenomena and Principle. In other words , the Buddha-nature is actually the Middle Way of dependent co-arising. Dependent co-arising is the Middle Way of Unity of Opposites. The Unity of Opposites is none other the Three-fold Characteristics (Tilakkhana) of interrelated existence of the trilogy of impermanence , permanence and eternal bliss ( nibbana or nirvana) . Nibbana or nirvana is the primordial peace of a human being. We are all primordially nibbanic or peaceful. All world faiths teach that we are primordially peaceful through different religions or paths. We ought to celebrate religious pluralism and love one another unconditionally. WE ARE ALL PRIMORDIALLY THE TRUTH OF NIBBANA OR NIRVANA. BUDDHA-NATURE IS NIRVANA . TO BE MORE EXACT, BUDDHA-NATURE IS THE MIDDLE WAY. THE MIDDLE WAY IS THE UNITY OF SAMSARA AND NIRVANA according to Indian celebrated Mahayana philosopher and mystic Nagarjuna and Japanese Buddhist philosopher and Zen master Dozen. I concur absolutely. I pay homage to all Tathagatas.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Jun 2013 08:16:55 +0000

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