Buddhist -Sufi Interfaith: Lets us examine how the Mahayana Sufi - TopicsExpress


Buddhist -Sufi Interfaith: Lets us examine how the Mahayana Sufi Wisdom ,which is the Perfection of Wisdom of the Ten Great Practices of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva (Enlightenment Being ), will liberate all human beings and the currently troubled world . These ten noble practices of a Buddhist Perfect Man are also relevant and pertinent to the enlightened practices of all faiths from the perspective Sufi or Perennial wisdom off perfection (Prajnaparamita). The universal or perennial Prajnaparamita is not limited to the practice of the Buddhists . It is also equally relevant and pertinent to the enlightened practices of all Sufi practices grounded internally in all world faiths. The external practices of rituals, doctrines and meditative praxes of all world faiths nay differ. But the Perfection of Wisdom (X + -X) is perfectly converging . In the realm of Perfection of Wisdom (X + X), all religious practioners of all faiths will meet in the same human family of the same borderless Self of Non-self . Can you see that all fish from different portions of the rivers on the planet earth meet in the same family of the borderless Ocean. Even at the international waters of the borderless Ocean , all ships and passengers can travel without any restriction for all international travellers . The Perfection of Wisdom is the Sufi Wisdom of (X + -X) in which all enlightened practioners do not discriminate against one another . They become globalized in outlook. Globalized outlook contributes to global unity and harmony. Every fish in the international water of the borderless ocean ceases to identify themselves thus, I am an American fish . Please go away from here. The first enlightened practice is that we must pay homage to all Enlightened Masters .All Enlightened Masters are enlightened by the same Truth Body of the Double Truth of Non-duality manifested in terms of Perfection of Wisdom (X+ -X). The second enlightened practice is that we praise or glory the same Perfection of Wisdom of all Tathagatas and Prophets . Every Tathagata or Prophet is the perfect image of the same light of Perfection of Wisdom . The third enlightened practice is to give generously and help all sentient beings with unconditional giving or love . This parctice of unconditional giving or love is universal culture of the Love Love of Truth and the Love of others . The fourth enlightened practice is atone oneself , repent , feel remorseful for past mistakes committed and vow not repeat them anymore. This is the universal practice of mental cleansing to produce mental purity The fifth enlightened practice is to practise boundless appreciative joy of non-jealousy towards all sentient beings . This is and important practice of of Love of Truth and Love of all sentient beings . The sixth practice is request any enlightened master to preach the sermon of Perfection of Wisdom of Double Truth of Non-duality. No enlightenment is won without the teaching and internalization of the Perfection of Wisdom. The seventh enlightened practice is to protect the scripture of a chosen Tathagata or Prophet worshipped . His or her message ought to be preserved even after he or she has left us in demise. The spiritual heritage of any enlightened master must be preserved forever . Today, the heritages of all important Tathagatas and Prophets are preserved as sacred Scriptures by the organized religious orders . In this sense , the religious orders of all faiths have done marvellous jobs of scriptural preservation . Computerized electronic scriptural preservation permit everyone to play a role in protecting human religious heritages . Science and religion can not be separated . The eighth enlightened practice is not to astray from the teaching of a chosen Tathagata or Prophet worshipped. Any living enlightened master can also be the reliable guide. Every enlightened master is a carbon copy of a Tathagata or Prophet . The eighth enlightened practice is to constantly adhere to the teaching of a chosen Tathagata or Prophet. The nineth enlightened practice is to accept and accomodate all sentient beings non-discriminatively as universal brothers and sisters . Good human relationships are essential. The Truth Body of boomerang effect punishes disunity through the moral law of accountability . The tenth enlightened practice is to transfer all merits performed to all sentient beings through the constant rememberance that that the merit performer is NOT you but the unitive Truth Body shared by of all sentient beings. The Truth Body is the Cosmic Self of Non-self or Great Emptiness. These Ten Enligtenment Factors are contributed by Samantabhadara Bodhisattva (Source : Chapter 40 of Mahayana Buddhist Avatamsaka Sutra). The external religious lifestyles of all faiths are dissimilar . But the Essence of Perfection of Wisdom that we are of the same eternal Truth is perfectly congruent . We can learn from each other and also from every world faith. We must be liberal in a sensible way and we must conservative in a sensible way. Radicalism is a stumbling block to enlightenment . Perennial philosophy is universally applicable.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 08:47:57 +0000

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