Budding Reason ... ================= When asked about Missing - TopicsExpress


Budding Reason ... ================= When asked about Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women on P&P less than an hour ago, Stockwell Day said Canada must, get to the ROOT CAUSES of what is happening. And so as NOT to label it an inquiry, he used inquest and a few other synonyms meaning guess what: inquiry. What a merry-go-round these CONs are on. But I almost dropped a cookie sheet of fish on the floor! The former G&M Guy also picked up on it. I have to put this in caps, like Im screaming it. STOCKWELL SOUNDED EXACTLY LIKE JUSTIN. FURTHER, HARPER EFFECTIVELY CALLED OUT STOCKWELL WITHOUT EVEN BEING THERE!!! Why? This is EXACTLY what Harper had to say all the way from Merry Olde England about Justins Boston Marathon Bombing Statement: “When you see this type of violent act, you do not sit around trying to rationalize it or make excuses for it or figure out its root causes.” And you just KNOW the 3,325 Spin Doctors will be working overtime tonight in Ottawa covering Stockwells remarks ..... But they have one problem. You cant fix stupid. And this will go right over Rempels, Skippys and millions of CON believers heads.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:27:18 +0000

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