Bug Lords Chapter 1 “I finally found a way to keep the - TopicsExpress


Bug Lords Chapter 1 “I finally found a way to keep the regenerative properties of the Insectiva’s exoskeleton at bay,” Henry begins, “it is really quite simple. All you do is load a flame-slinger round into your gun and shoot, or is you go close range use the neon, and xenon gauntlets I have been working on they seem to have this reaction that makes an Insectiva’s brain work slower than usual. Now then over on the table you will find a pack with your name in it. Within each pack is one pair of the gauntlets, and five cases of flame-slinger rounds. There is also a small box for some food and a cantina for water.” Charles, the leader of our team says, “We should take this opportunity to get some rest, and remember tomorrow we start the strike. Our objective is simple gain control of the new USA.” “Oh, Spinette, Terra, Stacey, Audrey, Garrett, Vanessa, Draco, Gavin, and Asher go with Mrs. Durr,” Henry says to us knowingly. The seven of us go down to the training hall when I ask, “So, why are we here exactly. “To see if we can enhance your Insectiva skill sets, is that okay with you Spinette?” “Yes Mrs. Durr,” I respond. Mrs. Durr started, “Okay, we need two groups. Spinette, Vanessa, Draco, and Asher you are to try and teach each other how to control your Spidara Skills. Terra, Stacey, Audrey, Garrett, and Gavin you are with me to learn your Insecta Skills.” We are ushered into different rooms based on what Mrs. Durr told us. When me, Vanessa, Asher, and Draco entered the room we separate into me versus Vanessa, and Draco versus Asher. I open with the Speedster Stance, whereas Vanessa opens with a modified version of the Recluse Speedster Stance, only slightly mixed with the Primal Wolf, and Regal Spidara Stances. When she speeds towards me I deflect her with a Web Shield. She then changes her tactic, instead of an all out speed type of thing like she normally does, she goes back and sits there in waiting for my move. I go to launch a Speed Strike at her, but she immediately launches some Web Bombs at me. Two soar right pass me, but the second two hit me dead on. I am slowly immobilized as the web expands, and holds me there in an unbreakable, silky hold. We stop for a moment, and Vanessa asks, “So do we want to keep this up or try a two versus two match?” “Two v. two,” Asher replies. “Sure,” me and Draco say nearly in unison. “So,” Vanessa ponders, “Who is with who?” I am quick to the response, “How about me and Draco versus you and Asher? I mean that way we each have a speed and a fighter.” “Okay,” they all say. Asher and Vanessa take their places across from me and Draco. We all start with the Spidara Regal Stance, and launch ourselves toward each other ready for the fight of our lives. We are just throwing punches, and dry bites back and forth. That is until Asher lands a dry bite on Draco, and at the same time Vanessa gives him a kick in the hip. I can tell that something has just changed, but when he moved it was with a rage I had never seen before, I could tell Asher and Vanessa saw it too. Draco charges at Vanessa, and she respond with a front flip over him. Draco turns to face her, but this time Asher stops him dead in his tracks with what seems to be a Spidara Skill. “It is called Fear Conquer, it inflicts fear into the target,” Vanessa says, “It is Trapdoor’s Skill, but being his son Asher acquired the ability naturally. It is basically the same way that I learned my first natural ability had come from my mother, Widow. The ability I got is Insidious Seductress, which lets me have control over those who find my ‘charm’ to much to bear.” “Yes,” Draco says, “and it would work if I didn’t get the Vital Wrath from my father, Goliath. That ability nullifies any emotional affect and replaces them with anger, and the anger fuels this ability. The anger is turned into a huge spike in my offensive capability, and lets me have a thirty percent shot of knocking out the target of my punch.” That was when the four of us realize that everyone had just seen the whole fight, and worse they had heard the whole conversation. Asher, and Vanessa imply straighten their backs and walk off speaking with, I think, the Tjong dialect of Muthernne, the language of the Ancient Incests. “Well,” Mrs. Durr says, “Draco what made you turn so violent so quickly?” Draco smirks as he answers, “I guess your hypothesis that you can’t really trust a Spidara keeps on setting itself into truth.” After that he made an effort to help himself calm down, but it was to near the scene of his outburst, so I lead him into the Green Room. “So, what exactly did happen anyway,” I question. He looks at me with this look, and I know he doesn’t want me to tell anyone. Then he says, “It was nothing it was just that I had a bit of a flashback to the first time my father taught me how to fight. It was me against the entire Spidara Court, and I don’t think they even went easy on me one bit. Do you know everyone on the court? Well let me tell you their names then,” he paused for a moment, “First are the elemental typings of Fire, Venom, Water, Earth, and Air, and there are two water, one air, two venom, three earth, and two fire. Let me start with the air, her name is Surfer. The two water are Crab, and Fisher. The three earth are Trapdoor, Goliath, and Wolf. The two fire are Cellar, and Camel, and the two venom are Widow, and Recluse. Every single person I just listed versus me, and at the time I was ten.” I half smile when I say, “Well at least the court can’t hurt you hear. I mean even if they got through everyone that is guarding the building you are ready for them, and you have backup. So don’t you keep on feeling sorry for yourself about losing that day. Besides, all that really matters here is the long run, you know. So stop treating yourself like an inconsiderate spiderling, and maybe we can actually have a decent conversation about what is actually happening, is that okay with you?” “Perfect,” he says as he hugs me, “That would be absolutely perfect.” It took me a little bit of time to realize what he just took that as, but it soon became clear that the man he is is loyal, and trustworthy to all who are kind to him. There is one other thing I noticed as well, for the last week or so either Vanessa or Asher has been following Draco, and I. Later that night a storm began with small showers, but it went from that to what looked like a monsoon. Sooner or later we all fell asleep, but the next morning when we woke up it was clear by the couple inches of water on the floor that there was a significant amount of flooding. That was when Vanessa, Asher, and Draco looked at each other and said simultaneously, “Be ready her name is Tira, and she is one of the aquatic general on Insecta Law.”
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:10:12 +0000

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