Bugle and trumpet players take note. All across America, 9/11 - TopicsExpress


Bugle and trumpet players take note. All across America, 9/11 will be remembered by volunteers playing Taps at the exact time of each crash. From: [email protected] Subject: The September 11th Memorial Taps Dear Bugler, We are once again within a month of the 12th anniversary of that “Second Day of Infamy,” September 11th, 2001. It has been 12 years since four airplanes full of innocent Americans were hijacked by 19 cowardly individuals bent on their path of destruction and the killing of innocent Americans. Each Year since 2010 I have asked members of “Bugles Across America” to participate in “The September 11th Memorial Taps,” and each of the previous three years the number of participants has increased. Not just buglers that are members of “Bugles Across America,” but also many other buglers have participated in this annual nationwide event. These men and women could not have made me prouder. It is an unusual format in that it is not a formal organized event other than that each year I have asked the many members of “Bugles Across America” to participate in whatever manner they feel they can perform “Taps” at the appropriate times on September 11th. Some of you have organized formal events with Honor Guards and have asked their fire and police departments to participate as well. Many of you have been successful in organizing these formal ceremonies to honor the fallen of September 11th, 2001 and also honoring their brother and sister Firefighters, Police Officers, and Emergency Medical personnel in their own cities and towns. Some of you have taken a different approach to honor these brave emergency personnel by performing as lonely buglers while traveling or just in front of their house on their front lawns. The important fact to remember is that none of you is alone as there will be hundreds and hopefully thousands of buglers performing “Taps” at the exact moments of the attacks on September 11th 2001. The exact time line of the crashes are as follows, all times are Eastern Time. Please make the proper adjustments for your time zone so that once again “Taps” is heard across America at the exact times of the attacks. --> 8:46 AM, American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the North Tower of the New York World Trade Center. --> 9:03 AM, United Airlines Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower of the New York World Trade Center. --> 9:13 AM, American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon in Arlington, VA, just outside the borders of Washington, D.C. --> 10:10 AM United Airlines Flight 93 crashes in a field near Shanksville, PA after the passenger make a heroic attempt to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. Who can forget those last words spoken by Todd Beamer, “Let’s Roll” as the passengers on board flight 93 resisted the terrorists who commandeered their flight. Last year we asked that you add a fifth rendering of “Taps” in memory of all those who have died in far away places defending our nation. It would also be appreciated if you would say a prayer of your choice prior to the fifth rendering of “Taps.” We have found that the “Lords Prayer” is an appropriate prayer, but please feel free to use any prayer you wish, if you are inclined to do so. We must never forget all the innocent lives lost that day to an attack by these cowardly terrorists. Let us “Never Forget and Never Surrender.” Our young children must be reminded of that day so that they will be watchful and understand the evil that exists in our world. Sadly many people have already forgotten the events of that day and your efforts will help keep the memory of that day alive. I thank all those buglers who have participated during the last three years and pray that we will once again honor the fallen on this 12th anniversary of that “second day of Infamy” and the 4th anniversary of “The September 11th Memorial Taps” ceremonies. I must apologize to the many buglers who sent in pictures and their reflections of last years ceremonies, Unfortunately my computer, on which all the information, pictures, reflections and email addresses were saved had a catastrophic failure and everything was lost before I had a chance to back anything up. I assure you that will never happen again. So please, send me anything you have from this year and if you participated during the last three years and would be so kind and send it again so that I can rebuild the “September 11th Memorial Taps” web site I would be grateful. Thank you to Tom Day for having founded the “Bugles Across America” organization and to all of the membership for considering joining us during the Fourth Annual “September 11th Memorial Taps” ceremonies. Please feel free to call me for any further information at anytime. If you can join us, please respond via email to: september11thmemorialtaps@yahoo Please include your name, telephone number, city and state and any information regarding your specific plans. Sincerely yours, Fred Speckmann Founder, “September 11th Memorial Taps” (775) 410-1269
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 18:40:36 +0000

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