Bug’s Stories 1. At Dr. Siddiqi’s office, the doc was - TopicsExpress


Bug’s Stories 1. At Dr. Siddiqi’s office, the doc was impressed with family present. Bugs introduced the doctor to his 3 wives. Wife #1-Lea, wife #2-Debbie, and wife #3-Wanda. Doc looked very curious and stated very slowly…”3 wives? This is good. I like family”, in his native accent. Of course the 3 wives and Bugs all giggled softly and smiled—but Bugs never corrected Doc, and to this day-Dr. Siddiqi believes Bugs really has 3 wives! 2. When Raylee was little and being potty trained, Bugs would sneak around the house with a diaper on his head. He would say “what time is it? It’s diaper time!” Raylee would see him, grab her diaper, and then run to the bathroom to potty. If it wasn’t for Bug’s diaper head, she may not have been potty trained so well! 3. Bugs loved to run and was a track star in high school. They’d put him at the end of line and he would still pass everybody up and win first place. As if that wasn’t enough, he’d still come home and him and brother Darnell would take turns chasing each other until their toes came out the front of their boots. His sisters would look on and laugh at those boys running around like guineas all day. 4. Bugs took great pride in many things he did to help others. From cleaning their cars, taking them to work when their vehicle broke down, to even being a personal chauffer. Wife #2 broke both her ankles and could not drive or walk, he and Lea built a ramp for her wheelchair out of the house into her Expedition. Once he loaded her into the backseat of the vehicle, he then laughed and started her day with many wonderful stories as he drove her to work. Then at the end of the day, he would pick her up from work and drive her back home. He frequently laughed and said that he could make a new movie—Driving Miss Debbie! 5. Bugs also took great pride in his garden. Teaching his young daughters how to plant, he would have Raylee poke holes and drop 3 seeds (not 4 or 2, but 3) into his tilled rows. That was the easy part. Teaching Zoey how to till and water the garden was the challenge. She just couldn’t quite make a straight line in the garden, but he accepted her curves and zigzags to create and water the garden rows. 6. Bugs loved nature and the early mornings in the country. He would sit outside and whistle and chirp to birds. The most recent months, there was a special blue bird that reminded him of his late son, Skylar. Bugs would whistle and that bird whistle back, over and over again. 7. There are many stories in life to remember and laugh about, but there are also many adjectives to describe this man. He was available, beautiful, caring, devoted, even-tempered, fun-loving, godly, honest, integrity, joyful, kind, loving, marvelous, never met a stranger, optimistic, proud, quiet, rare, sweet, thoughtful, understanding, vivacious, wonderful, x-illerating, youthful, and zealous…just to name a few! I’m sure each one of us could create our own alphabet of descriptions to remember this awesome man. Bugs loved to sit in the cool night air and watch the airplanes light up the sky. His oldest daughter loved to sit with him during this time and talk. When the kids were younger, bugs would do donuts in the yard and Skylar just laughed and laughed, but Crystal would be in the backseat crying because she was a scaredy cat. He loved fishing with his son. On one occasion while fishing Skylar caught a very large bass and threw his line back out. He hooked another one. Skylar was screaming at his dad to bring him the stringer. Bugs shouted back “Just put it in your front pocket!”. Skylar did as his dad told him and caught the other fish. Then he started jumping and hollering. We laughed so hard the Bass was sticking him in the leg and we could not help him due to us laughing so hard. Bugs bragged about this for months and Skylar got a lot of jibs about it. He enjoyed listening to the blues, shining his truck up, and rarely missed a day of his Soap’s and wrestling, WWE Monday night Raw is his favorite. In high school, bugs had a red toy truck on a long string that he would pull up and down the halls saying “brrrrrr” and the teacher would take it everyday. Well bugs would sneak in the office everyday and take his toy truck back and up the hall he went. His sister Robin would scold him saying “now didn’t that teacher tell you not to bring that truck to school no more!” But Raymond insisted “they ain’t taking my truck.” He was in the 11th grade. Bugs loved nature and the early mornings in the country. He would sit outside and whistle and chirp to birds. The most recent months, there was a special blue bird that reminded him of his late son, Skylar. Bugs would whistle and that bird whistle back, over and over again. But most of all he was a kind and loving man. He took care of me when I was sick and afraid of dying. He held my hand and comforted me in the darkest hours of my life. He listened to my rants and raves without question or interference and would always reassure me “its gonna be all right”. He is the love of my life, my soul mate and my best friend. I miss him sorely. Raymond Ezekiel Briley (Bugs) fought lung cancer and won for 12 years. It came back with a vengeance and took him from us in less than 1 month. He continuously told me, “I’m not afraid of dying; I know I am right with God, I just don’t want to leave you and the girls”. I would reassure him “We got this”! We had a secret password to each other for when the time came and we were ready to leave this world. I lay my head on his chest to listen to him breathe he put his arm around me and his final words were: Good Night My Love Good Night. In the early morning hour at 1:52 a.m. on July 19, 2014 my love went to Heaven. Good Night My Love, Good Night
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 08:44:15 +0000

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