Buhari is not semi-illiterate: No matter how lacking in ability - TopicsExpress


Buhari is not semi-illiterate: No matter how lacking in ability that the Nigerian army of today has descended, one has to be absolutely stupid to call Buhari semi-literate on account of his education alone in the military. Under normal circumstances, which was the case with Buharis, no one gets to be promoted a General without relevant and verifiable education. Granted that Murtala Mohammed, Yakubu Danjuma, Olusegun Obasanjo, Shehu YarAdua, and a few others should never have become Generals when they became so, the same thing cannot be said of Buhari and some of his peers. Buharis Generalship was meritorious both academically and by military troop leadership exploits. Those traducing Buhari have ignored the fact that this General saved Nigeria from monumental humiliation when the Republic of Chad, copying Cameroons brazenness of 1981, invaded and occupied 14 Nigerian villages. President Shagari was as clueless on how to respond to Chad as he was clueless when Cameroonian gendarmes occupied portions of Nigeria in 1981 and killed some of our soldiers. Then Brigadier Buhari made it clear to the civilian authorities that Chads affront was never to be swept under the carpet and on account of that boldness, was appointed to lead the charge to reprise the Chadians. Not only did Buhari repel the Chadians, he also turned the table on Chad by capturing and annexing 14 Chadian towns (this almost got him into trouble because it was way above his mandate). Chad and other little countries around Nigeria got the message without ambiguity: mess with Nigeria and get messed with big time. Chad had to beg, apologize, and agree to compensate Nigeria before getting its territories back. When president Shagari promoted him to the rank of a Major General later on, not a soul objected -- some even wondered why he was not promoted directly to a Lt. General. The humble Muhammadu Buhari, even after becoming HoS, remained a Major General by shunning the corrupt precedence of self promotion (to a four-star General) set by Heads of State before him (except Ironsi) and after him. As HoS, Buhari remained a Major General alongside other Major Generals who were his subordinates; he oversaw and supported the promotion of others, but never promoted himself. If Nigerians do not see another Aminu Kano or a budding Mandela in Buhari, then Nigerians are stupid. I state here, without any equivocation or fears of being contracted, that General Muhammadu Buhari has far superior education than president Jonathan Ebele Goodluck. If PDP are looking for a semi-literate presidential candidate, they need not look far away; they should just look at their candidate. Nebukadineze Adiele MIlitary Academy is equivalent to undergraduate education. Senior army officer courses also equivalent to postgraduate courses. Most of these were in well established international institutions Calling Buhari a semi-illiterate is silly and shows the ignorance of those who refer to him as such. Now GEJ with his all same local university education is a walking example of what inbred education can lead to - a clueless and dull approach to issues including leadership. M On the 1983 coup, Buhari was never involved in the planning of that coup. The coup was led by a Brigadier Bako who was shot while approaching Aso Rock to arrest Shagari. The vacuum created led to the need for a new leadership after the success of the coup which where Buhari came in. Unfortunately, he was not a member of the original gang of IBB, Abacha, Dogonyaro, Mark and Bako and once he was not playing their game towards self-enrichment, they had to get rid of him. Most of the actions purported to be under him were actually by IBB and Abacha while he was making attempts to stop them leading to his quick removal. I do remember him visiting UBTH while I was a junior doctor as the HOS and he saw a kid in the PACU with kwashiorkor and flaked skin which he thought was burns and he was told it was due to malnutrition and one could see the shock on his face and he exclaimed Kai , as a further sign of the shock. As a Nigerian, I stand firmly in the belief that Buhari is the beatbox the current bunch of contestants for the presidency and another 4 years of GEJ will be a disaster. Looting the treasury dry is one thing but selling our iconic treasures and landmark is the worst thing in corruption. I have always stated the fact that sooner or later, there may be a column geared towards ensuring that these individuals cough out all that they have stolen. Segun Dawodu
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 14:54:42 +0000

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