Building Online Business require Dedication & Expertise We are - TopicsExpress


Building Online Business require Dedication & Expertise We are in digital revolution and era that Steve Job called the Post PC Era, a dawn of digital mobility where business deal are done online, on phone or via phone apps. If you are looking for the perfect time to build that unique online business idea you have brooding about is now. In the 90s it was Amazon & Ebay but Alibaba came to the scene then we all witnessed the $100billion Facebook but in all digital honesty i thought it will end there but until recent valuation of DropBOX @ $10billion then i knew we just getting started. Online business is now a gold mine. However,building online business is the most energy sapping, time & resource consuming endeavour i have ever witnessed. Though the online business world is already saturated and there is whole lot of fierce competition out there which means more work & dedication for a new comer unless you have a unique idea that is never before undertaking by anyone on the internet. Apart from generating unique online business idea which is now like walking through fire but once that stage is pass the rest are cheaper compare to traditional in-store business. Establishing an online business idea start from: 1.) A Professional Website: that will serve as your Store/Shop/Office for your clients where for a fact you can hold meeting virtually, organise conferences and make a cheaper call to your clients one-on-one just like the normal office will do. The only problem is that Nigeria hasnt reach that stage yet but we are gradually getting there. But building that functionality into your website is like preparing for big-time rush. 2.) SEO (Search Engine Optimisation): Internet is already crowded and search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo are helping us sort it and making sense out of it all. Placing your business in search engine top 10 list is very important so that when people are searching for shoes outlet in Nigeria you should show up in Top 10 and that is business. 3.) OutDoor Marketing: Just because we said is an online business doesnt mean every marketing budget should be spent online. Some traditional physical marketing also is require like distributing your website flyers in public places, paste posters once you have the chance & speak about your business once the chance present itself. 4.) 24hrs Internet: I include this because you need to process that order as fast as possible, reply clients mail on-time and also get back to potential clients enquiries. If your online business idea is unique enough it will take fraction of years to start enjoying the success but if you go online to compete then you need to patient but my advice is dont go online to compete. A time will come in the same world where people will be buying everything online. Let us take for example an Hairdressing Saloon that is digital savvy. You open an an online shop where people can order home services where they can select type of weavon and more then all they need to do is to give you their address and you knock their door with their order and begin your stylist business. That time is coming and is almost here. Some said is Digital Revolution but tech analyst call it The Internet Of Things. Get ready!!!
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 00:03:44 +0000

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