Building The New Outhouse: By Jimmy L. Manley 2012 Copyright by - TopicsExpress


Building The New Outhouse: By Jimmy L. Manley 2012 Copyright by Jimmy Manley on Saturday, February 25, 2012 at 11:15pm · Well folks, I finally got something done on the new remodeling job Iam doing on my bathroom out here at the house. I bet Ill be the talk of the neighborhood when word gets out about the new two seater bathroom I have. Most people who have a bathroom like this one only have a single seater. It took a little while for me to cut the holes out to fit any size butts just right, but I finally got the job done right. Theyre spaced just the right distance apart too. That way two people can be in there doing their job at the same time. Thats why its a two seater. It took me a while to dig out that rectangle shaped hole too. I dug it about two feet deep. That will be just right cause itll take a while to fill it up. Whenever it gets full all I have to do is move the outhouse over a little bit and burn all the crap up. Then just move the outhouse back over the hole. It took me a couple of trial runs, but I finally got the cresent cut out in the outhouse door. Its not for people to see in with, but for you to see whos coming to sit beside you on the other seat. If you see someone coming who you dont want to be sharing the new outhouse with just tell them through the door that its full. I drove two big ole nails into the wall for folks to hang their coats on. If you dont use the coat hanger make sure you git your coat out of the way before sitting down. Dont want to mess your coat up you know. Hey, you dont even have to flush it either. Saves on the water bill out here. I installed two corn cobb boxes too. One for the white cobbs and one for the red cobbs. Put a big ole Sears catalog in there for reading while youre sitting there twiddling your thumbs. It dont have no heat nor air conditioning, but theres a good draft that comes right off the floor on up to your face. That will keep you cool and if its cold in there, dont worry cause youll be getting on outta there real quick anyway. I started to build the new outhouse over the creek, but I happened to remember the story about the older family members having one built over a creek when me and my brothers were young boys. My brother Jerry cut the poles holding it up, down with an axe. Well, when he cut the poles from under it the thing fell down into the cold and fast running water. It wouldnt have been so bad, but Granny was in the thing when it fell. It and she floated right on down to where the cows were drinking water and all that hollaring she was doing bout scared the cows to death. Caused the cows to run all over the pasture trying to get out of the fence. They tore the fence down and got scattered about everywhere. They had a heck of a time trying to get the local butcher to give the cows back. He was gonna make hamburger out of them. Well, anyway, if youre ever out here in my neighborhood come on by and Ill let you try the new outhouse. If theres a big line waiting to use it just remember two at a time. I expect a large crowd. See ya,
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 22:16:31 +0000

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