Bull Pharmaceutical Group - $1000 for 10 bottles ($100 per - TopicsExpress


Bull Pharmaceutical Group - $1000 for 10 bottles ($100 per unit) XT Labs - $950 for 10 bottles ($95 per unit) Hoecsht - $600 for 10 10ml bottles ($60 per unit) $1300 for 10 30 ml bottles ($130 per unit) Sciroxx - $650 for 10 bottles ($65 per unit) Equipoise 50mg 50 ml - $1000 for 5 bottles ($200 per unit) ********************* *Veterinary Steroids* ********************* The following medicines are all the veterinary equivalent of Deca Durabolin Fortabol 20 mg 10ml $12.20 Fortabol 20 mg 100ml $138.20 Laurabolin 50mg 10 ml $64.20 Norandren 50 mg 10 ml $50 Norandren 50 mg 50 ml $152 The Following Medicines are all Boldenone Equipoise 50 mg 10 ml $103.40 Equipoise 50 mg 50 ml $250 Equigan 50 mg 10 ml $61.20 Equigan 50 mg 50 ml $270 Equifort 50 mg 50 ml $175 Equibold 50 mg 10 ml $61.20 Testosterona 50 mg 20 ml $50 Kynoselen 100 $65 Super Rooster VETERINARY DIANABOL TABLETS 3mg 100 tabs $75 Dianabol by Salud Animal 25 mg 100 ml $400 Pets Pharma Decandrol (Decanoato de nandrolona 300 mg.) 10 ml $100 Boldenonda (Undelcidinate de boldenone 200 mg.) 10 ml. $100 Test 250 (Sustanon 250 mg.) 10ml. $100 Enantato 350 (Test enantato 350 mg.) 10 ml. $100 Trembolone 75 (Acetato de Trembolona 75mg.) 10 ml. $100 **************** *Human Steroids* **************** Roussel Uclar Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg 10 ml $95 Testosterone Propionate 200 mg 10 ml $95 Testosterone Enanthate 200 mg 10 ml $95 Nandrolone Decanoate 200 mg 10 ml $95 Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg 10 ml $95 Upjohn Depo-Testosterone 200 mg 10 ml Test Cyp $110 Hoechst Roussel Finaplix H Trenbolone Acetate 100 mg 10 ml $85 30 ml $175 Sustaplix 250 mg (Test Prop Test Phenylpropanate blend) 10 ml $85 30 ml $175 Primoplix 100 mg (Primobolan) 10 ml $85 30 ml $175 DecaPlix 300 mg (Deca Durabolin) 10 ml $85 30 ml $175 Stanozololoplix 100 mg (Winstrol) 10 ml $85 30 ml $175 Winstrol Depot 50 mg 2 ml ampule $30 Masteron 100 mg 2 ml ampule $30 Proviron (TABLETS!) $47.40 Stenox (TABLETS!) $35.40 Xtendrol 2.5 mg 30 tabs (Anavar TABLETS!) $66.60 LowTiyel (Testosterone Gel 50 mg 14 Envelopes) $110 Sostenon 250 Rediject $38 Sten $30 Primoteston Depot (Testosterone Ethanate 250 mg) $25 Primobolan Injection $30 Genotropin HGH Pen Refill 16 IU $140 Humatrope HGH 1.33 mg $148.70 Saizen HGH 1.33 mg $110 Norditropin HGH 1.33mg $65 Humatrope HGH 5 mg $415.99 Nandrolone Phenylprop 125 mg $120 ******************************* * Underground Laboratory Gear * ******************************* Alchemia Labs. Propiotest 100 $50 Stano 50 Winstrol $50 PrimoBol (Méthelone enantato 100 mg.) 10 ml. $50 Maxibol (Boldenone 200 mg.) 10 ml. $50 Dianafort 50 Dianabol $50 Enantest 350 $50 Trembo 100 $50 AquaTest 100 Micronized Testosterone in Water Base $50 Oxandrolone Tablets $200 Dianafort 10 mg 100 tablets Methandrostenolone Dianabol $100 XT Labs DecaPlex 10 ml 300 mg Nandrolone $130 Dianaplex 50 Injectable Dianabol $100 Boldoplex 10 ml 200 mg Boldenone $130 Stanoplex 10 ml 100 mg Stanozolol $130 Testoplex C-300 10 ml 300 mg Test Cypionate $130 Fortebull 250 Test Ethanate $125 Testoplex 100 (Testosterone Propianate) $130 Testoplex E-300 10 ml 300 mg Test Ethanate $130 Testoplex C300 10 ml 300 mg Test Cyp $130 Sustaplex 325 10 ml 325 mg Sustenon $130 Trenoplex 100 10 ml 100 mg Trenbolone $210 Mastaplex 100 Drostanolone Propianate $150 Primoplex 100 10 ml 100 mg $200 Stanoplex 5 (Stanozolol) 5 mg 100 tablets $134 Oxandroplex 10 (Oxandrolone) 10 mg 100 tablets $190 Methandroplex 20 (Metadianone) 20 mg 100 tablets $130 Primoplex 25 (Methenolone) 25 mg 100 tablets $190 Oxiplex 50 (Oxymethalone) 50 mg 75 tablets $200 Sibutrex-20 (Sibutramine) 20 mg 30 tablets $114 Bull Pharmaceutical Group Decabull 300 Nandrolone $125 Androbull 100 (Testosterone Propianate) $125 Maxibull 200mg 10 ml Test Cypionate $125 Trenabull 75 Trenbolone Acetate $175 Ditrenabull 100 50 mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, 50 mg Trenbolone Acetate $175 Mastabull 100 Drostanolone Propianate $140 Strombull 100 Stanozolol $125 Trenabull 75 (Trenbolone Acetate) $175 Metenobull 100 (Primobolan) $175 Strombull (Winstrol Tablets 5 mg 100 tablets) $175 Sciroxx Testodex Cypionate 250 mg 10 ml $85 Nandrodex 300mg 10 ml (Deca Durabolin clone) $85 Ultradex 150 (50 mg Drostenolone, 50 mg Tren Ace, 50 mg Test Prop) 150 mg 10 ml $85 Trenadex Enanthate 200 mg 10 ml $85 Anabol Tablets 10 mg 100 tablets Dianabol $140.00 Oxabolon 10 Oxandrolone 10 mg 100 tablets $200 Oxybolon 100 Oxymethalone 100 mg 100 tablets $210 Primobolan by USP Labs $175 Anapharm Oxandrolone 5 mg 100 tablets $100 Stanozolol 10 mg 100 tablets $150 Primotabs 25 mg 100 tablets $150 Provitabs 25mg 100 tablets $200 **************** *Anti-Estrogens* **************** Clomid 10 tablets 50 mg $20 Proviron (TABLETS!) $47.40 (Mesterolone is an anabolic steroid AND an anti-estrogen. NICE!) Nolvadex $42 Arimidex $269.40 Pregnyl (HCG) $34.20 Proscar(Finasteride 5 mg 30 tabs) $214.80 Parlodel 28 tablets $322.60 Dostinex 2 tablets $208 4 tablets $385.20 8 tablets $663.60 *********************** *Pre Competition* *********************** Cardispan L-Carnitine 5 ampules (Each ampule contains 1 gram of L-Carnitine and 5 ml of vehicle) $115.20 Lasix 20 mg 36 tablets $35 Lipotrofin 20 ampules 2 ml per ampule $165 *************** *Diet Products* *************** Clenbuterol 20 Tablets 0.02mg $37.00 Clenbuterol Oral Solution 0.2mg 120 ml $35.40 Lindeza (Orlistat 120 mgs) 21 capsules = $60 42 capsules = $110.88 84 capsules = $203.28 Lipo Vitasi $50 ***************** Penis Enhancement ***************** Caverject $85 (Gives you an erection in 2 minutes, lasting up to 4 hours) Andriol TC by Organon 40 mg, 30 tabs (Testosterone U) $90 (Anabolic Steroid AND causes your penis to grow) Viagra 100 mgs 4 tablets $129 Cialis 20 mg 4 tablets $140 (the weekend pill) Levitra 20 mg 4 tablets $109 Priligy 30 mg 3 tablets $88 (prevents premature ejaculation) Pergonal 75 IU $70 Pergonal 150 IU $100 (Increases your semen production 300 to 500 percent) Disposable Syringes: Miscellaneous Medicines Ritalin 10 mg 30 tabs $53.60 (Amphetamine used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder) Estraderm 50 mg 8 patches $56.40 (Estrogen patches) Dermatovate 40 grams $53.80 (Used to treat Psoriasis) Aldactone 100 mg 30 tabs $118 (Duiretic and anti-hypertensive) Propecia 1 mg 28 tablets $140 (Used to treat hair loss) Regraine 2% 60 ml $188 (Used to treat hair loss) ************************** *Mass and Strength Cycles* ************************** Cycle 1 - Super Mass and Strenght 1 Boldoplix 10 ml 200 mg Boldenone 1 Decaplex 300 10 ml 300 mg Nandrolone Decanoate 1 Oxybolon 50 mg 100 tablets Oxymetholone $439 USD This is an excellent cycle to increase muscle mass, strength, and power with the combination of 3 products. You will get results quickly. I recommend this cycle for beginners that want to get better and greater gains. Cycle 2 - Super Mass and Strength - Advanced 1 Boldoplex 10 ml 200 mgs Boldenone 1 Sustaplex 10 ml 325 mgs Testosterone Blend 1 Dianafort 10 mg 100 tabs Dianabol 1 Nolvadex 30 tablets 1 Proviron 100 tablets 1 Clomid 30 tabs $529 USD This cycle is one of the best and most complete for increasing muscle mass. You will have strength and power in your training sessions. You will notice results within the first week. THIS IS NOT A BEGINNERS CYCLE. Cycle 3 - Super Mass and Strength - Beginner 1 Boldoplex 10ml 200 mg Boldenone 1 Decaplex 10 ml 300 mg Nandrolone 1 Oxybolon 50 mg 100 tablets Oxymetholone $359 USD This is an excellent cycle to increase muscle mass, strength, and power with the combination of 3 products. ...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 08:21:37 +0000

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