Bullies are inventive so the following list of of what a bully - TopicsExpress


Bullies are inventive so the following list of of what a bully looks for in their targets is basic - Remember: Bullies need not target their "victims" because they are weak. #You may just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Bullies are predatory and opportunistic. #Being good at your job. #Being popular with people. #The bully fears exposure of their inadequacy and incompetence, your presence, popularity and competence unknowingly and unwittingly fuel that fear. #Being the expert and the person to whom people come to for advice, getting more attention than the bully. #Having a well-defined set of values which you will not compromise. #Having a sense of integrity. #Having at least one vulnerability that can be exploited. #Being too old or expensive. #Showing independence of thought or deed. #Jealousy and envy are strong motivators of bullying. # Unwarranted or invalid criticism while ignoring achievement # Undermine in front of others, raise false concerns, or express doubts over a persons performance or standard of work, however unsubstantiated this may be # Overrule, ignore and isolate a person from what’s happening. # Regularly choose the target by offensive remarks and language or give the silent treatment. #Single out and unfairly treat a person differently to other members of staff. # Degrade, threaten, or humiliate. # Subject someone to unwarranted or unjustified verbal or written warnings. This falls under The Employment Act 2002 (Dispute Resolution) # Set goals and deadlines which are unachievable or which are changed without notice or reason. # Deny information necessary for undertaking work whilst others often receive more than they need. # Refuse support if they are a manager. # Overload a person with work or have all their work taken away and replaced with inappropriate jobs. # Increase someone’s responsibility but remove his/her authority. # Have work plagiarised, – the bully then presenting the target’s work as their own. # Find requests for leave unacceptable and place unnecessary conditions, sometimes overturning previous approval. # Send unpleasant or threatening calls or harass with intimidating memos, notes or emails # Invite you to informal meetings which turn out to be disciplinary hearings # Encourage you to feel guilty and to believe you are always the one at fault Open your eyes . . . Know the facts! Bullying is ABUSE . . .
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:18:54 +0000

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