Bullies happen in our lives from time to time. Whether its a - TopicsExpress


Bullies happen in our lives from time to time. Whether its a classmate, boss, coworker or whatever, it makes things unpleasant. Sometimes it can get so bad that were traumatized, sometimes for a long time. The best metaphor is this: we are like pieces of paper. Sometimes in our lives, our stresses and bullies can bend us, fold us, and in extreme cases crumple us up. And we can smooth ourselves out again, but were never quite the same, are we? Ive been thinking about this lately, because one of my childhood bullies showed up on the People You May Know section of Facebook. She was pretty awful to me for a long time, and I think deep down Im still angry about it. So I friended her. Its been a long time since elementary school, and people can change, cant they? I know I have, and hopefully she has, too. Surely we cant be stuck in those roles that had long ago been established. It remains to be seen if shell accept. I want her to know the pain she caused, and that, obviously, she no longer has the power to make me feel badly. And thats it. Bullying tends to run in families, and I hope for the sake of those near her kids that she didnt pass that along. I hope she doesnt rationalize bullying behavior for them, like bullies tend to do. Victim hood also runs in families. Knowing what I know about whats out there, I am equipping my own kid with skills to deal with it. The cycle must stop, mustnt it? And hey. Hey. HEY! Lets be careful out there.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 13:10:30 +0000

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