Bullshit! If you put it that way, then the first true chicken came - TopicsExpress


Bullshit! If you put it that way, then the first true chicken came from an egg of a first true chickens egg laying ovaries. Since the ovaries produce the eggs, and the only one of the two (chicken or egg) beholders of mature and productive ovaries that can actually lay eggs is the chicken! So the chicken came first. In other words, when God and his angels, aliens or whoever and or whatever (is a satisfactory being for taking on the role of creator in your mind) created the egg producing ovaries in his or their biological laboratory, the point was creating an organ that would produce the eggs, not the other way around... After that point, when they decided to instal the egg producing organ in the feathery small tasty ostrich together with a small brain and a pair legs for moveing the egg production organ around, the functional organ was officially a part of the chicken, not a part of the egg! In terms of evolution and evolving species, the answer would be neither! Lets say that on the one side we have the proto-chickens (Black) that laid soft membrane eggs that proto-chicks would break out of immediately and walk around. On the other side of time or evolution we have the modern chickens (white) that are equipped with the ovaries that produce the (OV-17 protein) hard shell forming chicken eggs that need to go through a successful incubation period of a few weeks to form other chicks. Why is it then approached with a borderline personality disorder mentality of black and white without any gray areas in between? Would it not be correct to assume and hold on to the same concept that was given in the example for the evolution of the dogs from the wolves throughout the whole process of solving the chicken or egg dilemma? So to continue with an explanation based on terms of evolution and evolving species, it would be obvious that some of the first proto-chickens (Black) that laid soft membrane eggs that proto-chicks would break out of immediately, at some point started to lay denser membrane eggs. Eggs that may have required a certain amount of time for incubation. Then some chicks from those eggs laid even denser membrane eggs that may have required even longer periods of time for incubation etc... until they finally got to the point of the present day chickens concerning characteristics... This means that in the middle of the first proto-chickens (black) and the modern chickens (white) there were middle chickens (grey) with a balanced mixture of certain characteristics from both the proto-chickens (black) and the modern day chickens (white). So you would have a long spectrum composed of different and mixed amounts of qualities gradually shading and blending into each other along the whole spectrum.... You start with black and soft egg membrane laying proto-chickens and proto-chicken eggs, and gradually get to greyer and harder egg membrane laying chickens and chicken eggs up until you get to the modern day pure (white) hard egg shell laying chickens and chicken eggs. So if you are looking at it from an evolution and evolved species point of view, the answer is neither the chicken nor the egg came first. They both evolved simultaneously. However, if you look at it from a creation point of view the answer would be the chicken came first, because it would be the only one of the two in a starting point scenario that would be equipped with a mature and functional egg producing organ. A third factor that for some reason was not mentioned, when the question was reformulated as: Which came first, X that cant come without Y, or Y that cant come without X? for a better understanding of the metaphorical meaning... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_or_the_egg This was also very disappointing to read -> According to Popular Science, the egg came first as it evolved prior to birds. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_or_the_egg#History_of_the_dilemma This too was very disappointing to read -> technically the egg came before the chicken, but the chicken may have come before the chicken egg. So it depends on whether the question is What came first, the Chicken or the egg or what came first, the Chicken or the Chicken egg. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_or_the_egg#Science The answer is the chicken for the creation theory and neither for the evolution theory! Point! And if you are thinking saying chicken ovaries is the same thing as saying the chicken NO its not! Not when the egg lovers pull whole and mature chickens out of their miserable little eggs (that may be duds anyway...) when supporting their theories of eggs coming before the chickens! Balancing your logic is key! If they are pulling whole and mature chickens out of their eggs to prove their theory then their must be something in the chicken to counter that... and there is! The chickens ovaries. Even though the guy in the video mentions them for a second, he completely threw them out of the picture but carried on with proto-chickens and evolving chickens as if though the chicken ovaries did not evolve with the chickens and were thrown out at some point. You cant think like that. All factors are pieces of the puzzle. Obviously, chicken ovaries and their characteristics, placement (who has them) and type of productivity (what do they produce) evolving or not... were very important in solving this dilemma! So the chicken came first or neither the chicken nor the egg for the evolutionists. That also means God didnt tell you to go around cutting peoples heads off in his name. Stop pulling chickens out of your magical self righteous eggs... I call that kind of mentality and behavior bollocks! All the credit to the English for that one... God made Chickens, freedom, and proper consideration for all first, and a hell of a lot more tastier than bollocks!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:14:03 +0000

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