Bullying is defined by physical and verbal harassment towards a - TopicsExpress


Bullying is defined by physical and verbal harassment towards a child. The bully and victim have specific characteristics enabling parents to define and distinguish their behaviors. Bullying and its Underlying Mechanisms By Dagmar Strohmeier — Bullying Special Edition Contributor Updated on Feb 11, 2009 Although there is still a scientific debate on the nature and definition of bullying, most researchers understand this behavior as aggression characterized by causing intentional harm repetition, and imbalance of power between the bully and the victim (1, 2). Bullying is also understood to be an interaction between at least two people during which a somehow stronger person (or group) gains power over a weaker person who is not able to defend himself. While the bullying process unfolds over time, the power imbalance increases. Thus, the longer a person is bullied, the more she gets trapped in the negative dynamic, and the more the perpetrator abuses her power. In order to stop such bullying processes as early as possible it is important to understand the underlying mechanics that keep this negative process going. In research, mechanisms on the individual level, the dyadic (two person) level and the group level have been identified. The main goal of this article is to highlight some most relevant findings on the mechanisms that operate at these three levels and to point out how they might be used for interventions. Why Do Pupils Bully Others? (Individual Level) Sense of Power For perpetrators, one of the main motives to harass somebody weaker during a longer time span is to enjoy feeling the own power or dominance. That is, bullying others is a means by which the perpetrator can feel powerful and dominant. When the victim is scared or submissive the perpetrator reaches his or her goals and the negative behavior patterns are reinforced. Wish for Affiliation Our own research shows that perpetrators not only want to gain power or dominance when bullying others (3). A second important goal of bullying that we found was the perpetrators wish for affiliation. Thus, perpetrators also bully others to be together with others, to feel close with (particular) others and to establish good relationships in their peer group. If this wish for affiliation is a motive for bullying, the victim plays an important role in establishing and maintaining group coherence. If the harassment of the victim leads to a closer bond within the bullying group, the perpetrator reaches his goal and the negative behavior is reinforced. Why Do Pupils Bully Particular Victims? (Dyadic Level) Unequal Relationship Between the Child and Who Bullies and The Victim Children who bully others over a longer period of time usually target particular persons (4). Chronic victims often lack social support from others, and have no means of support during bullying episodes. Often victims are social outsiders and are rejected by many within the established peer group. Victims are usually non-aggressive students who are often shy and who have difficulty to defending themselves. By targeting this type of vulnerable pupils as victims, the risk for social disapproval or negative consequences for the perpetrator(s) is very low. After establishing this kind of unequal relationship between perpetrator and victim, the submissive, helpless, or fearful behavior of the victim itself reinforces the negative behavior of the perpetrator. These signs of pain and submission signal successful domination and control for the perpetrator. Thus, mechanisms on the dyadic level as well as on the whole group become important, since perpetrators often single out victims who already have a difficult status in the group.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:01:51 +0000

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