Burma Reforms : Three Acid Tests. Many years ago, I had a meeting - TopicsExpress


Burma Reforms : Three Acid Tests. Many years ago, I had a meeting with Richard Rainwater (RR) who is probably the best investment manager in Texas. He managed the Bass Brothers $50 million investment portfolio which grew to $3,000 million in ten years. RR told me he would invest in a troubled company if he could identify the three biggest problems facing the company. He said if you fix these three problems, the other smaller problems will solve themselves. The three biggest problems facing Burma Reforms are as follows : 1) Malignant Neglect of Rangoon University : How can you develop Burma by malignant neglect of Rangoon University. Government of Crooks, Thieves and Robbers are terrified of fully & completely re-opening Rangoon University because students will organize nation-wide protests if the generals fail to hold free & fair elections in 2015. President Obama should visit the entire Rangoon University campus rather than stage a PR event of town hall meeting. Burma does not need NATO (No Action, Talk Only). 2) Before General Thein Sein became President, there were only 5 to 10 cronies. Now they have over one hundred cronies, all of them stealing from the people of Burma. Please ask President Thein Sein how Aung Thaung managed to steal control of 50% of Burmas ownership in Inya Lake Hotel and Strand Hotel. Restoration of freedom and democracy in Burma is obstructed by these cronies and chicken-shit sanctions (term used by your national security staff in relation to Israeli PM). Targeting Aung Thaung, but not his two sons is a very cruel joke to the citizens of Burma. 3) When Burma Army unilaterally broke the 17 year ceasefire with the Kachins to facilitate business deals of retired generals and their cronies, President Thein Sein ordered Burma Army to halt ground & air offensive against the Kachins, our WW2 ally. President Obama should ask Thein Sein to explain why his order was blatantly ignored by Burma Army. Conclusion : If President Obama wants Burma to be his foreign policy success, he should apply these three acid tests and consult with US Congress to formulate a policy that will help the fifty million hostages in Burma. ____
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 10:28:28 +0000

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