Burn 50% more fat every day (make this one switch) The other - TopicsExpress


Burn 50% more fat every day (make this one switch) The other day I was talking with my friend Mike. Mike is a good guy, but frankly, his diet isnt so great. Now, it’s not that Mike eats junk all day; in fact, the foods that make up Mike’s daily diet aren’t half bad. Mike’s problem is something different: his timing is WAY out of whack, and unfortunately, it’s a problem that 99% of Americans share. Take a look at the typical American diet and here’s what you get: • Breakfast is the smallest meal of the day, if consumed at all. • Lunch is a decent, moderate sized meal. • Dinner is by far the largest meal of the day, often times consumed late at night. The problem with this set up? It has you eating your largest meal of the day in the evening hours when metabolism is at its lowest point. Essentially, the timing and size of meals in the average diet are the exact opposite of what they should be. To fix this, use what I call the “Mirror Your Metabolism” approach. Metabolism is highest in the morning, so make breakfast (not dinner), your largest meal. Beyond that, carbohydrate tolerance is also at its peak upon awakening, which simply means that your body is more apt to handle a high carbohydrate intake in the morning hours (carbohydrate tolerance is at its lowest point in the evening). This means that you can GET AWAY with a high carb, high calorie meal in the morning, with this meal actually stoking your metabolism to burn more calories throughout the day. Do you want to eat a big breakfast? Go right ahead; it will benefit both your body and metabolism greatly. On the other hand, dinner should be the smallest (not largest) meal of the day, and should also limit carbohydrate. Summary – Here’s how to mirror both your metabolism and carbohydrate tolerance for optimal results: Breakfast – Large sized meal, higher carb intake Lunch – Moderate size meal and carb intake Dinner – Light sized meal, lower carb intake Follow these recommendations and I guarantee you’ll be able to eat even more total daily calories, while at the same time losing body fat even faster. Of course, this isnt the only way to skin the fat loss cat. For example, intermittent fasting programs call for dinner to be the largest meal of the day and work for other strategic reasons. That said, if youre following the traditional 3 meals a day approach, you wont find better advice than the mirror your metabolism approach outlined above. Want to know ANOTHER ultra-simple way to boost your metabolism and burn flab? Fact is, theres a new way to burn belly fat that has been shown in more than a DOZEN research studies to help you burn fat and slim your waist at an accelerated rate. In fact, one breakthrough study showed that those who performed this belly-burning trick just twice daily burned 400% more fat than those who didnt. Another study published in the Journal of International Medical Research showed that those using this powerful flab-burning trick lost 20% of their body fat in just 12 weeks. And get this... the trick takes less than a minute to perform!
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 16:17:38 +0000

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