Bursaries or Tertiary studies: Epilepsy South Africa Educational - TopicsExpress


Bursaries or Tertiary studies: Epilepsy South Africa Educational Trust: Aims of the Trust To enable people with epilepsy to study at tertiary level To empower people from marginalised and previously disadvantaged communities To create role models of individuals with epilepsy, to whom others with the condition can look for advice and inspiration People with epilepsy are often denied bursaries on account of their condition. The trust aims to correct this and to ensure that these individuals are able to graduate, and be more employable on the open labour market. WHO CAN APPLY? Any individual with epilepsy, who has been accepted for study at a tertiary educational institution, may apply. Bursaries are available for study at any tertiary institution. Applicants are encouraged to pursue careers for which they have an aptitude, as well as those for which there is a need or demand in the labour market. In addition to having epilepsy, the Trustees will also take into account factors such as the financial situation of the applicant or their parents, academic performance and community involvement WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM THE EPILEPSY SOUTH AFRICA BURSAR? Epilepsy South Africa and the Educational Trust hope to create a lasting relationship with the recipients of bursaries. Although recipients will not be required to pay back the bursary, the Trustees expect that on completion of their studies, anyone receiving grants from the Trust will involve themselves in the activities of Epilepsy South Africa. The Educational Trust Bursars are expected to do voluntary work for a minimum of one week per year at their closest Epilepsy South Africa branch. The Epilepsy South Africa Bursar should also attend a nearby Branch Annual General Meeting and, if possible, the National Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, in an attempt to help facilitate the Trust’s aim of creating role models the Trust may request that Bursars have their stories published in Epinews (Epilepsy South Africa’s national publication) and that they visit and advise more people with disability at Epilepsy South Africa residential homes or employment projects. HOW TO APPLY Ask your local branch of Epilepsy South Africa for an application form Contact Epilepsy South Africa National Office at (021) 595 4900or via e-mail at: [email protected] Or, download and complete the form below and post it to : EPILEPSY SOUTH AFRICA Educational Trust c/o Epilepsy South Africa PO Box 12100, N1City, 7463
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 13:59:19 +0000

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