Bursting from a set of trees, he skidded to a halt, almost bowling - TopicsExpress


Bursting from a set of trees, he skidded to a halt, almost bowling over Abby who seemed frozen in place and staring at something on the ground a few feet away. The scent of blood was heavy, and Jonah had to shake his head to push it aside. His animal instincts reveled in the smell, calling forth the urge to hunt. Abby took a step forward, but Jonah quickly cut off her procession and hissed. He didn’t want her going anywhere near what lay ahead. He knew the form to be that of a human, and though female, he didn’t want to take any chances. She could be part of a hunting party which meant others could be close by, searching for her. Satisfied by the two steps Abby back peddled, he inched forward, using his nose and internal warning system to spot any signs of danger. The unmoving form lay face down, and now that he was able to see her manner of dress, he knew she definitely wasn’t a hunter, or anyone who was on the mountain for sport. He inched closer until he stood at her side, then bent to her face. Jonah’s nostrils caught her scent, and his breath quickened. He couldn’t quite describe it as one might an orange or vanilla, but something about it grabbed him as though invisible hands had given him a hard shake. Even his whiskers stood at attention. Leaning in closer to inhale her essence deeper into his lungs, he closed his eyes. The whimper of concern from Abby had him snapping his eyes open. What the hell am I doing? With a mental kick, Jonah forced himself to focus on what needed to be done. The woman was alive, but unless he turned her over, he had no way of assessing her condition. Jonah circled her body, looking at it from all angles. Taking the sleeve of her jacket into his mouth, he tugged. It wasn’t easy, but after several tries, he managed to shift her onto her back. After conducting a visual once-over for injuries, and thanking the heavens there didn’t seem to be anything life threatening, he sat on his haunches, wondering how to get her to the cabin. Jonah glanced at Abby who sat a few feet away, staring bug-eyed at the problem that lay before him. Shit. He couldn’t return to his human form and carry the woman to the cabin. Not only wouldhe freeze his ass off and risk frost-bitten feet, as well as other extremities, he wasn’t about to shift in front of Abby and wind up standing there in the buff. Sending Abby to the cabin alone was definitely not an option. Especially with hunters and traps in the area. Jonah stared at the woman’s face. She was pale, but beautiful. Short, spiky hair donned her head—mostly blonde, but tipped burgundy red. Supple lips were slowly turning blue. The realization was like being doused with cold water. If he didn’t get her warmed soon, she’d die of hypothermia. Taking a deep breath, Jonah steeled himself for what he was about to do. Using his strong jaws, he clamped down on her jacket, careful not to bite into her skin, and began to pull. To his relief, her body eased forward. Movement out of the corner of his eye made him stop. Just as he was about to turn and hiss at Abby, her furry form appeared at his side. He watched his sister bend her head and clasp the woman’s clothing in her jaws, mimicking his actions. Jonah laughed inside. Abby, a mere cub, thought she had it in her to help him drag the woman to the cabin. Managing to move the woman several feet, Jonah realized his sister to be stronger than he’d thought. He had to give her credit. Even after several yards, Abby still hung in there, pulling with everything she possessed. After what seemed like a lifetime and with the aching in his jaws to prove it, they reached the cabin. He heard the door jerk open and didn’t have to look to know his uncle had bounded out of the house. The sound of the man’s boots pounding down the steps was enough to herald the man’s anger. “Jesus Christ! What are you doing?” Jonah released the woman’s jacket and glanced at Kaleb, wanting to do an eye roll. How did his uncle expect him to answer? He glanced at Abby before returning his gaze to Kaleb. “Abby, go inside. I’ll help Jonah with the woman,” Kaleb said sternly. Abby seemed to hesitate, then turned and sprinted into the house. Jonah quickly padded to the side of the house and shifted, not wanting to take the chance on Abby having her eyes glued to the window trying to see what was happening outside. After Kaleb handed him the clothes he’d left earlier on the porch, Jonah dressed then returned to the spot where the woman lay. When Kaleb bent to lift the woman from the snow, a possessive impulse shot through Jonah like an F-16. He even felt the shudder as if one had passed directly overhead at that moment. Without a word he stepped in front of his uncle, practically knocking the man aside, and lifted the woman’s cold body into his arms. Jonah didn’t chance a glance at his uncle’s face, but he felt the man’s eyes boring into him as he ascended the stairs and stepped through the open door. Something strange warred inside of him. Something more powerful than about ruffling his uncle’s feathers…or fur. Purrs and Lace by D.McEntire
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 00:18:30 +0000

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