Bushel Green Beans continue to be the most volatile commodity on - TopicsExpress


Bushel Green Beans continue to be the most volatile commodity on the market. Prices have seen a 20 dollar swing at the market, and quality is fair. The rain and heat has taken a huge hit on the Bean market. As Georgia starts to wind down and Virginia starts to ramp up, we will hopefully see an easing in the near future. Eastern Veg as a whole is a relatively good value with the exception of Squash. The squash market continues to feel the effect of the bad weather from last week. Depending on which growing area the product is being pulled from, prices and quality can vary greatly. Eastern Shore and Virginia is starting to really come on but volume has not hit its stride yet. As volume continues to increase we will see an easing in that market. Baking Potatoes are still a hot market. Demand is still high and shippers are attempting to lower the demand with some higher prices with the hope that old crop can last till harvesting begins in mid-July and August. Age is also showing on these old potatoes with a lot of mold and breaks from long storage and multiple times being handled. Tomato quality is beginning to improve with volumes increasing as well meaning that prices are continuing to come down on all larger sandwich size tomatoes. This trend will continue in the near future. Smaller Tomato (ie..Cherry and Grape) look to have peeked. We will hopefully start to see a price drop in the near future. California Veg is steady. Lettuces remain good across the board with slightly higher prices on Romaine and Romaine Hearts. Quality on the hearts can vary depending on the growing region they are being pulled from. Celery continues its slow fall in price and will continue as other growing regions throughout the US start to Harvest. Corn also is falling as Volume increases. Georgia has seen volumes double week to week in the past few weeks and with local produce not far behind. This should mean quality and price should be good for the summer. Fruit remains steady across the board with no real surprises. Peaches are looking good and prices are reasonable.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 22:04:17 +0000

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