Bushman Mass. in New York w Tattoo dead infants said big ldy did - TopicsExpress


Bushman Mass. in New York w Tattoo dead infants said big ldy did it. Lost from Harlem to Bronx with Meloni and Ives. I clipped an old blue baltimore city public worx vehicle on the NJ Turn Pike in 1996 and found u w a knife inside my daughter. Hi. Let me be your arresting officer. Well Than, few of u know why I cant now right. How many had conversations!@?%, the floods are up but whatta outweigh the level sandbags. This same group held my daughter on Karen Galaghers property and irrigated her with pesticides by a dark headed fat girl and Michael Newman with a Termite that doesnt have an issue anymore?Nevermore! Mike has been stopped perm. and so have all of his girls but about 5 and they dont know they dont have friends comming back home. Fix my problem soon or some of my family members owned the same CD and can use a scalpul. I set 2 of you up and have a guy watching you for me that gave you all the CD and stood u at the bus depot downtown while a Jersey liner rotated around the station up by the Walters Art Gallery in 1996. You all have those Carni Mill kids to roll over on and was assigned one individual for stationary training mill staff for public safety that uncl Ellwood put in place when we were holding meetings at the Copacabanna when the mill was rotating children that travel to the childrens center in CECIL Co. into Carrol County Commons and murdering them for a large Bisen Herd to eat that still exist in that area now with ALPACA on a -STUD Ranch as of 1997 I guess to intimidate me but just because a family that obducted our children cant find them does not mean you can respond as if the individuals speaking to u have ever had contact with those individuals as naturally native to the cultural beliefs that are not reinforced in the home but raped down the street by fat chix I am personally looking for and have been fashioned with a nice place to stay within their neighborhoods that has viewing access to all cross roads from the severn split to Crain and fortunately it is my daughters grandfathers home which is my father and belongs with us. So he talks with us and we make decisions like where did Michael Newman go? LMFAO~SMOOT
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:27:30 +0000

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