Business Activ Consult recruteaza medici specialisti pentru - TopicsExpress


Business Activ Consult recruteaza medici specialisti pentru spitale din Danemarca Locul de munca: Sector Privat si/sau Public. Locatia: Danemarca Specializari: Medic Specialist Endocrinolog We are looking for a staff specialist in endocrinology, preferably with a broad experience within internal medicine. You are to participate in the organisation of the endocrinology both on a department level and in the large outpatient clinic. This will be performed in close cooperation with many different professionals both at the hospital and in the primary health sector. Medic Specialist Gastroenteorolog Creating a joint medical gastroenterological/gastro surgical department with 13 beds is planned. As a part of the position there is possibility for spectroscopy and outpatient function. Medic Specialist Geriatru • Specialization in the field of Geriatric medicine with a wide clinical experience • Applicants with special qualifications/areas of interest will have the possibility to develop within these. • There’s special need for improvement of competences within fall and dementia assessment, ortho-geriatrics, research and teaching. Medic Specialist Cardiolog A cardiology outpatient clinic is connected to the department with echo function, (TTE and TEE), Holter monitor, exercise ECG, ambulatory blood pressure measurements and rehabilitation and heart failure clinic. Additionally, the medical division takes care of rounds in the acute ward Medic Specialist Pneumolog The pulmonary department contains 20 beds and an outpatient clinic is attached to the department. There’s a COPD nurse for home visits and we have COPD rehabilitation facilities. Medic Specialist Neurolog Neurological department has a joint department management consisting of one head nurse and one managing chief physician who has the responsibility for the entire neurological department. Medic Specialist Oncolog The ward attends to the oncological duty for approx. 300,000 citizens. Oncology Ward includes activities at the other Regional Hospitals Medic Specialist Radiolog • Specialized doctor with a broad knowledge within radiology, such as CT, ultra sound including intervention, conventional radiology and preferably also MR. • Experience in o orthopaedic radiology, and/or o uro-, neuro, -lung and paediatric radiology, and/or o heart-, onco-, traumatological, paediatric, acute, orthopaedic and gynaecological radiology and/or o uro-, neuro-, truamatological, oncological, orthopaedic, ENT and eye radiology Medic Specialist Reumatolog • Handle to clinical duty within internal medicine: rheumatology. Take part in the clinical work in rheumatologic outpatient department and wards with rheumatologic issues. The department has main duty within the inflammatory joints and back diseases. It is treated with biological medicine at regional level in a formalised cooperation with a rheumatologic centre with homogeneous clinical guidance, opportunity for joint meetings and conferences. There are good ambulant facilities with own examination room/office incl. team cooperation with three speciality nurses. Conditiile de selectie: • Trebuie sa aveti diploma de medic specialist • Experienta minimum 3 ani ca si medic specialist, • Cunostinte de limba Engleza nivel C2, • Sa aveti o prezenta respectabila, si conduita ireprosabila , • Motivatie de a lucra si a locui in alta tara pe o perioada indelungata, Pachet Salarial • Contracte de munca pe perioada nedeterminata, • Salariul va fi in functie de specializare si experienta fiecarui candidat in parte, salariul va fi cuprins intre € 80.000 si € 90.000 pe an, • Curs de limba Daneza pe o perioada de 6 luni la Budapesta, • O scurta calatorie in Danemarca pentru a vizita spitalul si orasul, aceasta calatorie va fi inainte de inceperea cursului la Budapesta, • 6 saptamani de concediu platit plus 17% aditional la pensie, • 37 de ore de lucru pe saptamana, • Asistenta in gasirea unei locuinte dar si in relocare, • Va oferim asistenta in pregatirea documentelor pentru inregistrarea dvs ca si medic in Danemarca. • Curs de limba Daneza gratuit si pentru sot, sotie, • Asistenta in gasirea unui loc de munca si pentru partener, • Asistenta in gasirea unei gradinite , scoala pentru copiii dvs.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:30:53 +0000

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