Business Like Batman Batman is my chief inspiration when it - TopicsExpress


Business Like Batman Batman is my chief inspiration when it comes to running a business. I think this timeless character can teach us a lot about both business and life. Bat Training Before bruce becomes Batman he knows that he needs to develop his skill set. Not just in the fighting stakes as in Batman Begins, in the comics world he goes and learns all manner of things, from flying jets to learning magic so as to escape from traps. Bruce had obviously thought carefully about every scenario his future persona might encounter. Running a business we suddenly have 100 new skills that we need to develop and anticipating these is key to success. Not Bruce but Bat Bruce Wayne could have gone around fighting crime. He doesnt really have that many in his life who might have got hurt. Yes, its illegal, but only if he gets caught. He chose to make himself a symbol, to make himself a brand. There are many of you out there myself included who largely are one man businesses. By choosing to embrace a brand we can make ourselves more than we are individually, and also means not only can we grow but we can add new team members to the mix. Bat Gadgets Batman is famous for his gadgets, his cars, his planes, his anti-shark repellant. Even though Bruce is a millionaire and he can afford all this stuff, he doesnt buy them all at once. He upgrades over time and as needed. Its often tempting to go out and splash on the latest equipment or the latest software or that shiny new set of business cards, and justify this as something we need to run our business. Every single thing we buy is an asset and needs to make its own money back. Bat Branding In the 60s show especially everything was bat branded. They even had helpful labels in case you forgot that it wasnt just an ejector seat, it was a bat-ejector seat. Repetition breeds remembering. Batman has his brand down to a tee. Bat Family Batman knows hes not going to be around forever and is eager to train up the next generation of crime fighter. Sure a few of his sidekicks have died…like 2/4 but hey, at least his heart was in the right place! Training up the next generation reminds us how far weve come and can reinvigorate our business with fresh perspective and fresh enthusiasm. Fighting The Good Fight Batman helps people, and is exactly the sort of help I wish we could see more of in the world. When Batman helps people he doesnt do it for the fame or the thrill, he does it because he wants to help. He uses his own money. He uses his own time. He doesnt ask permission, he just does something he thinks will help. Yes Bruce Wayne also helps people and has his own charity, but the core of how Bruce helps people is not even as Bruce.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:18:34 +0000

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