Business and Apps Coach, Mandy Worrall, discusses whether you want - TopicsExpress


Business and Apps Coach, Mandy Worrall, discusses whether you want to be sold glory stories or make money. Plenty of app firms tell customers to come to them because they have the solution to all your app needs. They will never promise to make you a millionaire. If they do, watch out! They may well have many very exciting ways of making the bells ring and whistles blow, but it is always up to a point. As a group of people involved in start-ups for many years, we have witnessed and directed various approaches to our own business, as well as assisting others, but now there is this added Internet tool, which is simply exploding into new business worldwide. There are fabulous people who can tell you how to make your Internet presence felt, who run marketing and sales businesses whom almost depend on the Internet for their own survival. There are so many people with so many ideas on what to do it has become bewildering. So, you decide on a theme and job for your app and contact a development company to hand your precious app concept over to them. If their firm is any good they will ask you a lot of sensible questions about the apps features and also roughly (never too exactly, for good reasons), tell you what the time frame will be for release according to it’s complexity and whether there are other computer systems to deal with to make it work well. Let’s take a step back for a second. We all want to get paid, but you need to decide what your mindset is before contacting an app firm. What kind of app person are you? No, it is not obvious! Techies and app owners alike sometimes do not get what this question is about because they are busy doing their best to deliver a well executed app. Many app firms miss it too. There really are different kinds of app people in the app business, who get intermingled, but don’t always know it. The third type and fourth types are very common and because of documented success of people selling popular apps, they bring the investor mentality with them, rather than solid concentration on research and development before it is built and released. Q: Is it a gamble? A: Isn’t everything? When a person takes a punt on an app it may mean they looked at what others have done so well at and exclaimed “I can do that!” Why not, indeed?! The person with the investor mentality sometimes expects everything from the app firm, including massive success, which is actually saying they will do a bit of research, throw some money at it and Bobs your uncle! Unlikely, but unlike the gambler attitude, the irony is they really do expect monetary return for their investment, so why hasn’t it happened? Being an entrepreneur is not the normal mantel for the majority people because many ascribe a high degree of risk to this activity. Giving it a go can work fabulously, just like a healthy attitude to gambling where someone who hardly ever partakes of a flutter literally turns up trumps. Good luck to them! Others, like us, prefer to think of being in business as an opportunity for self-determination and take a longer view than hoping for a one hit wonder. It would be amazing to get one of those, but they are rare for a reason. Trying to get a winning app, like anything positive is due to: A realistic road map of deliberate progression of fulfilling aims based on solid information. Having the willingness and dedication to seeing it through. Setting correct goals, as appropriate to your resources and available time, which is likely to deliver the results we need in a timely manner. What’s hot? Keeping up with current successful ventures is a very good idea, but no predictor of shelf life, or a successful app. If emulation in a competitive market with an innovative twist is your aim, you must already suspect there is a lot more to research, relative to the niche you want for your app. Picking the next best thing on the market is a skill everyone wants, but also one which needs to be dealt with in the right way. Being an app owner means you are serious about being in business, even if only on a part time basis. What’s not? If you are ill prepared to get your app developed because you have only asked friends and family their opinion, it is likely to give you an incomplete picture of what will help your app work effectively to give you an income. The absence of proper research is never made up for by sheer enthusiasm or availability of cash. Without a firm idea of your target market and unique selling point in it, things will be difficult, to say the least. Approaching an app firm simply because they did an app which was successful for someone else, will not guarantee your app the same level of success. Now, you possibly have some things to consider before you embark on your next app, or want to resurrect an old one, looking at it with a new perspective. Personally, I recommend desirableapps
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:09:43 +0000

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