Busy guy Written a minute ago Jake had his first home - TopicsExpress


Busy guy Written a minute ago Jake had his first home schooling today, went very well. The teacher was surprised how well he did for first meeting. She was also very impressed with the work we have been doing after reviewing my very organized school binder and checking out his work! ( thanks to Michelle for making me look good). For now we will do only two days a week and go up fron till ten hours a week). Today was nice, well it was sunny and above 20 degrees so...nicer than it has been, so Jake was hard at work clearing the hardened snow and ice from the driveway from his chair....our little hard worker! Jake has been pretty busy with therapy, with visits from friends and we even made it to the convention center to watch his friends perform! (Thanks Elizabeth for helping us make it to the show) ! Tomorrow is our last covered PT visit and OT and speech will soon end. We plan on continuing his therapies but we may scale back a touch as it will be all out of pocket. But he will still get all his therapies, maybe not three each but some. He is doing so well with the PT sessions, especially improving on his walking and the pool,,he has improved so much and I believe that is really helping his arm! Still no word on his wheelchair, was supposed to be in last week, good thing I didnt hold my breath! Today was a bit tough....I am sure it wont be the first time....but today Jakes heart was broken....which in turn broke mine....all because he saw a friend that couldnt give him the time of day. We talked about that being that persons loss and I reminded him how many people love and support him and we moved on. Laughing at throw back Thursday photos. But it was av reminder to me of how hard the road is....on a different level than what we have been focused on. God is Good, we will be guided and we will get all we need to carry on and keep moving forward and improving! Thank you all for continued prayers! heart
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 01:03:01 +0000

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