But for realzies, where did we get this ludicrous idea that truth - TopicsExpress


But for realzies, where did we get this ludicrous idea that truth is a matter of humility and arrogance? Truth is not a matter of humility or pride; truth is a matter of fact. To say that its impossible to know something is even more arrogant than saying its possible to know something. Theres really nothing more arrogant than saying I cant figure out what is right or wrong. Therefore, no one can, or I believe truth is relative. Therefore, its relative. And anyone who says otherwise is arrogant. I think whats happened is weve just become too lazy to do the work of actually researching and studying, so in order to justify our laziness we just start calling the people who actually do the work and do the studying arrogant. And I cant think of anything more arrogant than not legitimately and extensively studying something but still making a truth claim about it, pretending as if you actually know what youre talking about, and then even calling the person who does study it names. So this whole idea of considering truth to be a matter of arrogance is the peak of immaturity and arrogance. Saying I dont know, and thats fine, is just...crazy. But whats crazier is saying He says he knows, and thats not fine. Saying Ive been walking with Christ for 20 years and I still know nothing. And Im proud of it! Im a 20 year old baby! And Im proud! is insane. Whats more insane is saying Hes been walking with Christ for 20 years, and he knows something. Wow, what a know it all. Were all good with everyone having their own views, as long as the person doesnt claim that his is the true way. But lets not forget that by saying anyone who says their way is the only way is arrogant, the person is claiming that their way is the only way as well. Truth is unknowable is a truth claim. Youre saying that you know its impossible to know something. Relativism is just, absolutely ludicrous. But its the philosophy of the world. And thats why that philosophy breaks the Christians heart and angers him: because relativistic thought takes people farther from Christ. It goes against everything Scripture teaches, and it disillusions people into thinking that its okay to know nothing about God but still be a Christian. It goes entirely against the doctrine of Progressive Sanctification. The closer you get to glorification (death), the more conformed to Christ youll become. You WILL know more and more and more and more about God as you progress in your faith: thats the definition of progressing in your faith. Thats why relativism in the church is so dangerous: we start thinking that a person whos been walking with God 20 years who knows basically just the same amount about God and Scripture as 10 years ago or 20 years ago is a Christian. When in reality, Scripture is very clear that hes not. We need to be very careful with the kind of thinking we accept and tolerate. And we especially need to be careful with entertaining the falsity that accepting and tolerating different views is kind and loving. The world has their definition of love and kind. But God has a totally different definition. We need to be very, very careful. Look what entertaining those ideas has done to the American church, and America as a whole, in just the past 50 years? Weve fallen hard and weve fallen fast. The church is like a boat and the world is like water: the more of the world you take in, the more the church is going to sink into it, until you can no longer see the church and you can only see the world. This is where were at. Were filled with the worlds thinking, and weve got a buuuunch of very, disillusioned and confused and unsure people within the walls of our churches. Church leaders: this is the price of tolerance. And the weight of where American Christianity is at now sits upon the pastors and church leaders of today. So the question is, is the church we go to kicking out worldly philosophy and thinking, or imbibing it? And remember: the number one reason people dont leave unscriptural churches is because many of their friends and their community and relationships are there. We must examine ourselves. Let us be honest, and let us be willing to be hurt by the results we find.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:09:41 +0000

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