But from this day on I will bless you.”(Haggai 2:19) I. - TopicsExpress


But from this day on I will bless you.”(Haggai 2:19) I. Introduction 1. Blessings are gracious act of God This morning God encourages with His living Words, they are unchanging words and never fail. Heaven and earth will pass away and God Word will be forever. The finest of God’s character is to bless His children and of course the entire the humanity. Whether we are His children or not God is always ready to bless us, it is the gracious act of God. We cannot question God on this according to (Exodus 33:19), He will be merciful to whom He wishes. The entire humanity has failed that includes even God’s children but God is still faithful to bless. We all don’t deserve the blessings of God neither we are merited to be blessed. Blessings are purely act of God’s grace and mercy. 2. Definition of blessings Blessings are wrongly understood by people, they restrict blessings to material and physical well-being, and completely ignoring spiritual aspect. In fact God created the material earth for the well-being of the human, however according to (Genesis 1:26) human beings were introduced into this world in the likeness of God and not unlike God. So the likeness or relationship with God is the spiritual blissful state of man and material blessings is the residue of it. 3. The fullness of God’s blessings The fullness of God’s blessings is very much exists in the relationship with God. Being part of God’s family enables us to walk in the fullness of His blessings; however God has not withdrawn the entire blessings away from the sinful or fallen humanity which is an act of sheer grace of God. Anyway God intends every human being to walk in the fullness of His blessings, God never gives up efforts to create situations and circumstances for humanity in order to part of God’s family and experience the fullness of His blessings. Referring to (John 3:16) we see the heart of God towards the entire humanity is to walk in the fullness of His blessings. Examples Referring to (Gen 39:5) the blessing of the Lord was on everything Potiphar had, both in the house and in the field. Potiphar is heathen, who doesnt have any knowledge or relationship with the Living God, yet God blessed in the material aspect, his house and field was blessed. And Joseph was nurtured under the blessings of God through Potiphar. The secret is Potiphar recognized the Living God through the life Joseph, Joseph was blessed spiritually becaz of the relationship with God though he was materially in lack. Potiphar recognized the spiritual blessing Joseph life (Presence of God) though not in a greater way, yet he recognized and therefore God blessed him materially. Referring to (Jer 29:7) Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper. Here again God is wants His children to pray for the blessings of Babylon, Babylon is nation that worships idols and never had knowledge of the living God. Babylonians are those destroyed the temple and the city of God and oppressed God’s community. How can God bless such a nation which is wicked? God could have straight way blessed His community instead and through the blessings of Babylon. This is a reflection of the future teachings of Jesus Christ in (Matt 5:44-45) 44 But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. On the whole this is nothing but it is the gracious act of, and the true heart of God to bless the entire humanity. II. Blessings are also choices we make No doubt God’s choice is the supreme choice; anyway God loves to give us the choice to choose the blessings. According the scriptures some has made good choices and some bad choices, there are people who have learnt to make good choice and experience the blessings of God. Examples 1. Joseph’s wrong choice Referring to (Genesis 48:13-14; 17-20) we always remember Joseph has man who made right choices of being a blessings to others. Joseph has been a blessing wherever he went, to the family, Potiphar, to the prisoners, Pharaoh and entire world. Even such a man had to sometime learn to make the right choice. It was Jacob’s time to bless the sons and the grandchildren; therefore Joseph took his two sons to Jacob to bless. Manasseh being the eldest positioned at the right hand of Jacob for the first portion of blessings and Ephraim on to the left to get the second portion of the blessings. As for Jacob, he crossed his hands and placed the right on the Ephraim the youngest and the left on Manasseh the eldest. Joseph tried to persuade Jacob to bless Manasseh with first portion, anyhow Jacob was intentional and it doesn’t matter whoever gets hurt becaz that is God’s will. Infact Jacob corrects Joseph on this issue. Jacob never wanted what is father and the great grandfather children Isaac did. What is God purpose in blessing the younger with the first portion of blessing and the older with second portion of blessings? Is God partial by blessings Ephraim with more and Manasseh less? This is basically to demonstrate the beautiful character of God through each other. How? According to (1John 3:17) If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? It has an opportunity for Ephraim the brother Manasseh, and as for Manasseh it has opportunity to be content with whatever God has given and don’t envy your brother. Ultimately the entire twelve tribes are to be a blessing for each other and to the entire humanity according to their call. Therefore Joseph learnt to make the right choice from the life of Jacob and avoid confusion and disunity God’s family. 2. Isaac wrong choice Referring to (Genesis 27:1-4; 25:23) Isaac was determined to bless Esau with the blessings of the youngest (first portion of the blessings) and they were intentional. Infact God had told Rebekah that the young will rule the old and Isaac to knew it definitely, but he was determined to choose that was not God’s will. This has led the entire family to be divided and disunited; Rebekah gave lead to Jacob to cheat the father and the brother to take away the blessings, Jacob did it. Anyway, Isaac ended up blessing Jacob only later he realized it was Jacob. Though Isaac right thing but it was unintentional as his intentions till the last bless Esau, God has to hold him responsible becaz that has caused the family disunity. How do think God would have dealt with Isaac? Both the parents were unhappy all throughout their life becaz they were not able to see the brothers together for a long period, infact Rebekah died without seeing Jacob. Though Isaac saw both the brothers together before his death, but unhappy that Rebekah never lived to see this. 3. Jacob’s wrong choice Referring to (Genesis 27:19) Jacob’s intention was very good since he aspired for God’s blessings, but the strategy or the action to acquire it was not right. Referring to (Genesis 32:26-31), Jacob’s call is to be a blessing to everybody in the present and the future, but actions of Jacob to acquire the blessings was selfish. He cheated Esau and Isaac and ran away with the blessings. Anyhow God dealt with Jacob, as he had face Esau in order to set things right. Finally Jacob made the right choice to be a blessing to everybody. 4. Abraham’s wrong choice Referring to (Genesis 21:11-14) Abraham was distressed becaz he made a wrong choice of having child through Hagar, of course listening to Sarah’s advice Abraham acted. After the birth of Isaac, Sarah was very much concerned that the inheritance is only for Isaac and not for Ishmael which is God’s will. Referring to (Genesis 17: 18 & 21) God very clearly told Abraham that Sarah will become pregnant and also the name Isaac was revealed. As Abraham’s mind was obsessed with Ishmael and Hagar, God had to intervene and correct Abraham to make the right choice of sending Hagar and Ishmael out. III. Back to the context Referring to the context of (Haggai 2:19) God’s community made a wrong choice of not willing to go to Jerusalem and build the temple and the city. If obeyed they will experience the fullness of God’s blessings in the present and the future. There were three reasons to make a wrong choice. 1. Lack of Discernment People of God were not able to discern the times of God even though it was favorable, God’s favor and human favors were there. They compared the present circumstances with the past. In the past even before Babylonian captivity they were an affluent nation politically, economically and militarily and could afford to build the temple as well as the city, specifically during days of David and Solomon. As of now they are freed captives from Babylon but still under foreign empire. This made them not make the right choice for the blessings of God. They were unable to walk in the fullness of God blessings. 2. Division and disunity Referring to (Jeremiah 50:8&10; 51:6) In spite of God repeatedly warning them to leave Jerusalem not many left, some chose to stay since it was not God’s time and some went. Not everyone who went believed it was God’s time except for the few and they were divided. Referring to (Ezra 3:10-12) there were some rejoicing after the foundation was laid, while there were others sad thinking of the former temple. 3. Discouragement Referring to (Haggai 2:2-3) people were discouraged looking at the very insignificance of happenings, they insufficient to complete it becaz the flow resources is very uncertain and not like the days of Solomon. They were wondering how to complete the task. IV. Let us see the response of God 1. Call for unity Referring to (Haggai 2:4&9) God wants them to come together united and lay all the differences of opinion. They have to forget the past memories, of course they are memories to be cherished becaz given by God but that shouldnt disturb the present work of God. They should rejoice together in the present. 2. Assurance of God’s presence God assures His presence in context with the past experiences when they came out of Egypt to possess the promise land without any resources. God presences guided, protected and provided. 3. Providence of God People’s concern over the resources is taken care. Referring to (Haggai 2:6-9), shaking refers to God moving the hearts of people to contribute. Infact Cyrus was inspired to announce an Edict in favor of the temple building and the city to be built, Cyrus commanded the expenses to be met from the Kings’ treasury and every nation has to contribute towards this cause. This Edict was followed even after Cyrus died by the other Kings amidst opposition until the temple and city was built. Application Let us seek to walk in the fullness of the blessings of God, by choosing do to live a life that is centered on God’s will. It doesn’t matter if we have failed still God gracious as He wants to bless us from this day on. Come together in unity as is said in (Matthew 18:19-20), unity invokes the presence of God and providence of God.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 12:16:22 +0000

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